Title: Kompozer, the Successor to Nvu Post by ReeBop on Aug 25th, 2007, 12:32am The Nvu project is basically dead. No real updates since version 1.0 came out. However, out of the ashes comes Kompozer: http://www.kompozer.net/ Kompozer is a fork / successor to Nvu. The latest "stable" version is from last summer, but the project is active with beta versions available. I've downloaded it at home and will be trying it out when I create a HTML document on how to access the new audio chat service for this site. I'll reply to this post with how I felt about it. [smiley=taco.gif] [smiley=taco.gif] [smiley=taco.gif] [smiley=taco.gif] [smiley=taco.gif] [smiley=thinking2.gif] |
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