Title: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Feb 19th, 2004, 4:44am DEVALUATION delve told vain lain loin toad load vat date valuate late vane dine dint tone tonal void dove vote love nave lave late not nat nod after u answer this then u will give ur own word then next will answer it ;D time to use some of our brain...lets play with words ;D next is: vocabulary |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Feb 19th, 2004, 5:53am [quote vocabulary[/quote] vocal cry cab ray boy bay blur loca next is: dysplexia |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Feb 19th, 2004, 9:17am good job analyn ;) dysplexia spy lap lay ax lax lapse lie lies dia dial dials plea pled pleads deal lead pale aid delia dale plex elp yale spa i think that all...damn thats hard... SPECULATION |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Feb 19th, 2004, 6:59pm [quote SPECULATION[/quote] ate eat late seat case peas tan neat net set sent saint tin spent spit line lion spine line cup cups peal leap lace clean teal can let cent lent tips top tops steal spit cats cast tap spinacle stop stone enoughhh.. ;D next is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis |
Title: damn analyn.....i could cry now Post by mylane on Feb 19th, 2004, 8:42pm pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis tail tale late ate eat pro anti lame anal lane plane plain sore sour some sane same sole soul no nor moan mole mule map maps pass passes cap cup cope come mist trailer trail laser nipple nipples nipps pin eon ion iron neo sis vent euro europe euros sorrie lies lies trium tri pen pencils pencil specs spectrum monitor motor can seal pea nun man men cramps train vault ten traps rain rains cum pics cam camel pen nape nap len lens canon cosmo mic mono volcano micro ultra trap pan micros microscopic microscope silicon air ahhhhh....im not in manila so i think this is enough ;D u making it so hard analyn can i kill u? :P notification |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Feb 21st, 2004, 4:24am i'm not making it hard mymy..in fact i'm making it easy..with long word you can make so many words out of it :P ;D notification action act ion on at cat not fat fit if tin cant can ant of if on ton tin icon fin in can i kill you back mymy? ;D it's hard ... next: settlement |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Feb 21st, 2004, 4:41am logn words..makes my eyes crossed....hahahha... i really like this game though ;D settlement me sem set test ten tent men mens ment nest semen settle len lens net next is:REJUVENATION |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by teagirl on Feb 22nd, 2004, 5:17pm how does this game go? some words right there dont exist.... ??? |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Feb 22nd, 2004, 6:46pm welcome back may ;D all u got to do is build a word out of the given word. REJUVENATION |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Feb 22nd, 2004, 9:03pm [quote REJUVENATION[/quote] jive join tire ion ruin jean vein nerve unite nation rain rein retain auntie ratio vine vain naive nine tin on in it at eat neat run jot not vet net tear rat rate near tear torn rave enough..i don't have 5 hours for this word only ;D it's funmay.. precaution |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by teagirl on Feb 22nd, 2004, 9:12pm ya...but they have to be VALID words, right??? you just cant make one up.... |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Feb 22nd, 2004, 9:40pm yes may..they have to be valid... am not sure if mine are valid... have to check the dictionary. PRECAUTION |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Feb 22nd, 2004, 11:06pm PRECAUTION tear tea ten cape ripe rope rain rape nope per nor pin ton pen in an at iron pet ant neat nape ape cup auction action tin caution nap pan can pre train cat rent nut nat tan tap enough... ;D technology |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Feb 23rd, 2004, 12:44am technology hot not lot got cot on ton tone lone loot goon hole hon honey gone hen lent get let toe no go tool the theology long thong lego only one too to |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Feb 23rd, 2004, 12:45am technology hot not lot got cot on ton tone lone loot goon hole hon honey gone hen lent get let toe no go tool the theology long thong lego only one too to developments |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by tarantada on Feb 23rd, 2004, 1:02am on 02/23/04 at 00:45:51, cebuanalyn wrote:
semen deep lens pens den pest love dove doves loves develop elope mend pen net nets vent pent top tops envelope lope men ten tens mole moles electricity |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Feb 25th, 2004, 5:48pm [quote electricity[/quote] rice elect city try cry let yet tire lie lyric electric recite elite lite tile cite rite lice eel reel tee tie enough ;D next is otorhinolaryngology |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Feb 25th, 2004, 7:16pm on 02/25/04 at 17:48:52, cebuanalyn wrote:
or hog tail riot moan moaning roam liar goat goal lying lay ray roar tag rhino on going rail hail nail in rain ortho got enough ;D programming |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Feb 25th, 2004, 9:01pm programming migraine moaning moan grain rain gain pain program gram main grim prim mom map mop gap rap pair gaming ram ramming minor prior prom rigor manor grip grin registration |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Feb 25th, 2004, 10:58pm registration station stats reg son sign tits net neat ratio tons get tag rag sir sit sat seat rats rat tears tear roar no nor sane gains gain rain rains ion train trains in on at professional |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Feb 25th, 2004, 11:52pm professional profession profess lesion nails nail pain rain fair liar lion sir sin lone lain sail lair rail fail siren rein reins lie lies frail ion forn fines fine line aisle isle lesion less praise systematic |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by tarantada on Feb 26th, 2004, 1:02am systematic tame aim sims aims same tea eat ate mate mates yet ass as at test tests sem met tact system set sit sat cat cast punishment |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Feb 26th, 2004, 7:11pm on 02/26/04 at 01:02:56, tarantada wrote:
Punish Shipment Mine Pine Pit Push Ship Pies Pie Tie Shine Shit Met Pin Men Ten In Nine Hen Put Hut Hit Inn Inns accreditation |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Feb 26th, 2004, 7:37pm on 02/26/04 at 19:11:23, cebuanalyn wrote:
dot rat red citation cad can cane acre acne dane date rain ion dare care tact cat diction dictation act acted credit it on in enough ;D Architecture |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Feb 28th, 2004, 4:07am Architecture chair architect cure rate race rich chair teacher reach hair hear theater recite reteach heater heat hate heart threat care rite cite eat treat tire erect react act actor ratio retreat retire tear ear are enoughhhhhhh together |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Feb 28th, 2004, 9:48am together he hog hot reg her goth got get clarification |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by tarantada on Mar 2nd, 2004, 1:14am on 02/28/04 at 09:48:06, mylane wrote:
tan tin ant can at an in on fail rail trail liar act car action rat rain ion fiction friction cat readable |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Mar 3rd, 2004, 11:58pm readable read able leader lead blade bleed dear bear beard bad lard deer reel real dare photosynthesis |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Mar 4th, 2004, 11:07pm photosynthesis ten tent toy toys nope toss top tops hop hip hot son honey yes no hots pot pots not nots test set yet net pet hen hens they this on in thesis phone photo poet synthesis point points amplified |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Mar 6th, 2004, 4:22am amplified fail lied dail maid dim paid failed pail die lie ample pie dame] fame life made fade fad mad lad pad mild lime limp damp petrified |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by kianna_andrea on Mar 8th, 2004, 12:27am petrified pet fed tip rip pit fit die rid tip tried feed fried deep trip ripe ride rite ??? correct me if I'm wrong fire fired dirt diet chocolate |
Title: welcome to word builder kianna....ur doing fine Post by mylane on Mar 8th, 2004, 7:28pm chocolate cholate coal clot late ate eat tea lact hat cat coat hot choco heat cola loco loca compatibility |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Mar 8th, 2004, 7:52pm compatibility combat pat ability tail pail lap cat pit tip map camp limb bail bait coil may coy plot ploy ply oil limp lamp palm balm lamb bat mat conversation |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by tarantada on Mar 9th, 2004, 4:35am on 03/08/04 at 19:52:43, cebuanalyn wrote:
scan torn not torns toe toes coat satin sea ion tin tan sin son set seat version rain cat ate eat tea in on at sat sit environmentalist |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Mar 9th, 2004, 6:57pm Environmentalis Environment List Iron Mental Lion Men Manner Rail Tail Sail Vial Veil Never Liver Server Serve Siren Lover Lovers Son Lone Loner Stone Strain Trail Liar Lame Male Slim Miles Mails Snail Nail Lean Storm Vision Stream Streamline Master Visor Lament Tame Meat Metal Late Mate formaldehyde |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Mar 9th, 2004, 9:24pm formaldehyde foam yom yore mold ord hoe hoed horde hold hod hoard hear hole deaf dorm roam road deed fade fed feed hen men man form formal heal mad fade load male made oral lame SUSCEPTIBLE |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by kianna_andrea on Mar 9th, 2004, 11:48pm susceptible bit bits bet bets let lets sit sits set sets use uses lip lips lie lies pit pits pet pets lice pie pies bile biles bite bites steel steels spit spits site sites beep beeps tip tips cute cube cubes club clubs cut cuts spite pee pees see sees tee tees belt belts pest pests peel peels tube tubes serendipity :) |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Mar 10th, 2004, 1:35am serendipity tips tip step see pee net dip deep pest dies dye die pens pit sit set stir nest ten deer pity seren den sin sir pin pen tin yes red multiplication |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Mar 10th, 2004, 4:30am multiplication plain palm lamp lump plum tip lip limp calm action cat icon coin poin plot malt mall tall lap pail nail action tail pat mat lion moan mop map oil pilot enough.... excellency |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Mar 10th, 2004, 7:01pm excellency cycle excel lex cell yell yen xen yex wonderful |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by kianna_andrea on Mar 12th, 2004, 12:13am wonderful won wonder wed one wolf would fur foe fed few flu fuel foul fond fowl low led lend lore lone lure den drew don done duel endow flow flew fled frown row rod rule ruled rude loud musical |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Mar 12th, 2004, 12:53am musical music cam cum sum calm misc scum scam mac sic monitoring |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by kianna_andrea on Mar 15th, 2004, 9:41am monitoring moon ring tin ton got grit gin goon not nit trim rig tong rot tiring noon mint morn riot grin grim room passionately :) |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Mar 15th, 2004, 10:02am on 03/15/04 at 09:41:52, kianna_andrea wrote:
nap nape ape apes pal let pals pea lapse lap laps pale pain pains tail tails tale tales tons set seat sat sit ten ion in on an passion tin tan lion pass pin pan ate eat late lates yes yet durability |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Mar 16th, 2004, 7:11pm Durability Ability Bird Blur Lard Dirty Brat Bit Lit It But Bud Rid Bid Tidy Bail Laid Raid Braid Tardy Yard Dry Rail enough....... spontaneous |
Title: welcome back analyn.... Post by mylane on Mar 17th, 2004, 3:49am spontaneous pest past soap soap soup soups pent neat nut nuts nest step steps pet span spouse pose use uses set sat seat pan pen son sun suns span tape tap tape top tops spot tan ten tons pot post pots not nape nap foundation |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Mar 22nd, 2004, 3:05am foundation Find Found Don’t Aint Fad On Do Ion Audit Faint Fant Fat Fond Audio No It Fit Tan Undo Unfit graduation |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Mar 22nd, 2004, 7:24pm graduation art nut nag rag rot rat ant not no on in an ton gain ion grain drain rain ran run dig dog drag god dot toad road tin tan tag recommendations |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Mar 25th, 2004, 6:08am recommendations mean name named raid said dare donor room roam mandate date drama mate team tamed meat semen record records stone strain rain mist mister most tom ratio ration note noted dot madame seem same train trains saint sin send sender arson read dream dreams manner manned rammed rice sore rise see sea seed sand sad mend men senior maime mom dome maid maids rein siren reins sir sire dean radio core rod minor manor roam roams smear ream reams dare dear dares are mad drain commend dance mend date dates cast cite site drain care cares ear race cries everything |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Apr 7th, 2004, 8:16am everything very ring thing every even eve hen net ten vent in scalability |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Apr 12th, 2004, 5:54am scalability ability all bias sail tail list bail tails slit bit lit sit blast tall last alibis call cab cabs belongingness |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Apr 12th, 2004, 8:38am belongingness big bone bones bless blessing legs leg genes belong long longing gin loss lone gone log in on beg login distributed |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Apr 13th, 2004, 5:07am distributed distribute died die best tried dirt tribute tribe bride bird birds but butt bud buds sub sud dust bust busted stride ride rides rid sire sired sir stir rest test rust rusted bed red dire finalization |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on May 1st, 2004, 12:27pm finalization flit lit zit fat fit tan alt ion final anal nation fin lain tin at in an on inclination |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on May 3rd, 2004, 4:57am inclination tin nation lion oil tan not cat inn lot toil coin can't think of other words..i do it later ;D standardization |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by deerhunter74105 on May 19th, 2004, 11:45pm standerdization stand nerd station and add start dan ton tan dear red tart dead zen star tar no on not tot rad dad sad in inn strand read rest test end addition it tie is diazinon<<<<( flea an tick granules)not sure if i spelled it right though:)) :oman i thats all i can think of lol now heres one for you ;D sterilization ;D |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on May 20th, 2004, 1:39am Welcome to WORD BULDER, Rodney :P sterilization rat rest lion lions last lose sea seal zea zit sail sale sane tents zen ten tens trails rails rail sin nest test tin tires lie lost lier set sit sat tear tears ion tons tan Replications |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by gracia on May 20th, 2004, 8:43pm REPLICATIONS *replica *tries *oil *one *noise *place *scion *opal *rat *noir *action/s *alto *alert *apron *sore *plier *saint *ion *actor *core *patio *lice *tons *clone *pores *stone *eat *trip *pale *carol *rasp *ear *nite *per *parol *ratio *rate *site *tile *lions *lips *locate *colt *siren *point *notes *plain *riot *store *trial AHHHHHHHH so many more..but i ran out of time...conjunctions mAy not be necessary mylene? PERPENDICULAR |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on May 21st, 2004, 2:53am Gracia is now posting [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=woot.gif] welcome Gracia.. perpendicular Paired, leader, read, Pair, Care, Pride, Ride, Price Prince,rice,lie, liar, rail, plan, nap, paper, peer, lend, land, pedicure, Drain, Cured, cup, lip, nice, i'll continue later :P |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by deerhunter74105 on May 22nd, 2004, 9:46pm thanx cuz mymy :P i was gonna keep goin but cebu didnt leave a word :)) but anyways thanx again fo the welcome [smiley=icon_drink2.gif] so here is the next one [smiley=idea2.gif] supercalifragalisticexpealidoshes [smiley=huepfenicon111.gif] [smiley=huepfenicon111.gif] |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on May 23rd, 2004, 7:30pm on 05/22/04 at 21:46:37, deerhunter74105 wrote:
lol...i'm so sorry..i was in such a hurry that i didn't remember not posting the next word.. ;D i better be the one to answer then. supercalifragalisticexpealidoshes Super fragile astric explode extricate drastic polish careless does fertile docile illicit cater rate care race politics crape pair, solitaire solicit taxes scared expertise solicitous factious frail excess prick realistic character arousal prices Exile lack leader expel solitude ridicule Stupid Legalities First Lashes Appeal Dracula Pepper Residue Leftist Facelift Extracts Pacifier Scale Caress strict gatekeeper peace clefts escapade career exercise speed artist AUTHENTICITY |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on May 24th, 2004, 1:00pm AUTHENTICITY can tac cat hint tent cent at hit nut net yet yen tune ten authentic hen hat hunt tin tan city collation |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by need4speed8dalejr on May 25th, 2004, 2:19am Collation ;D - coil - action - coal - nation - coat - nail - ton - loco - tail - tall - talon - clit - clan - ail - coin - nil - location - can - at - latin - tic - not - toll - on - tan - no - ion - cat - tin - till - call - lotion - lion - con - local - taco - talc Counterfeit |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on May 25th, 2004, 7:36pm counterfeit coin iron Counter Fit Rent Count Out ion Fret Tin Ten Front not Rein Rotten Font Tint cent Tire Rite Often Feet Nice Corn Tent feet Turn Nut Rut Tree Rift Ruin Center Cite sanctification |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Jun 1st, 2004, 1:20am sanctification cans coin coins tons fit fan sin no not cast sat sit tan tin fin can cat fiction fact facts capitalization |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Jun 16th, 2004, 3:19am capitalization capital capita tail plant plain caption citation coin point paint zip pint tan zion can plot clot action potion patio |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Jun 16th, 2004, 3:22am capitalization capital capita tail plant plain caption citation coin point paint zip pint tan zion can plot clot action potion patio internalization |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by gracia on Jun 28th, 2004, 10:19pm *intern *internal *realization *rental *art *analyze *anal *note *iron *inner *liner *zion *tryin *later *lit *lion *alien *lantern *learn *earn *zen * zap *zeal *zero *lier *zany *zone *lore *lie *lot *neon *nite *nine * FORMIDABLE |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Jun 28th, 2004, 11:26pm FORMIDABLE more blade role rifle bore blame mare die deaf fade made bile beard bear life file form formed admire dream fired fire fore adore flared bride bread read dear able lead SELF-IMPROVEMENT |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Jun 29th, 2004, 9:42am SELF-IMPROVEMENT prom pint elves elf semen slope rope prove vest nest rein fern peel moves move len lens pest mole lies lie set net nets oil ment pros sin self vein vent mint proven improve ten ripe personification |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Jul 6th, 2004, 4:20am personification train sort troop none rant pant coin note fast corset fins stone prone frost cast cost operation action sanction stone pair stair care fears spear snear ears stop parts farts snap pan fan person fries son reason arson persona soon roast sooner treason implementation |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Jul 6th, 2004, 9:17am implementation pea name tint net nail meal len paint peel ten tent plain mole met meet pot pet men man plant tin ton ton pint pain male main mate mint pale ment mean implant implement PSYCHOSOMATIC |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Jul 14th, 2004, 10:02pm PSYCHOSOMATIC shoot smooth itchy scoop post cast cats past pitch mop achy map toss pass mishap soot shop psycho match patch choosy chat champ chaos atom stamp camp enough... ;D exasperation |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by gracia on Jul 20th, 2004, 2:16am exasperation aspire operate ratio nation person expert rate era opera ten tens tear sex per ate eat pea peas rat pat set art arte rasp tax taxes pet net nets arts sat seat tap tape ENDURANCE |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Aug 4th, 2004, 9:55am ENDURANCE darn nerd nude rude dace dure endure race ace dare den ran dance read red nun dissatisfaction |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Aug 10th, 2004, 8:59pm dissatisfaction casts tact sands sadist fast diss ass cats action and station faction saints faint fonts toss toad dont assasin icon satin environmentalist |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by gracia on Aug 18th, 2004, 8:47pm environmentalist environment artist note meant mean vile move real realis meen air aisle test term trote lie lier lire tire tale tail stem mist trivial trivia tavern vine vest move mental talent omen ore orient mentol lot lit let met net ten sit sat set men rot teen seen site sale saler taler roast toast trio neon inmate mate meat teat seat love lover rent iron lament amen oval oral moaner moan lean inn iota tie ton lost list non none mart tart novel roam trite vent neat oat trim alto atone alone semen saint stain state steam stone vomit sail steal stale slate irate tenant torment valor mentor nail vie sane insane entail enlist trot lion tone loner later letter tester ear eel ail ate eat aim arm art ant alter salt sneer leer sirene one gesticulate |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Aug 24th, 2004, 3:25am gesticulate eats eat tile lettuce cuts last least siege steal cute cage tag cutest tilt slit test guts seat sit late last taste gets get requirements |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by gracia on Aug 24th, 2004, 9:32am requirements require ire ment ments mine rite rites site mite stem stir meet seem seems rent rents quite quiet squirm squirt queen request quest rest stern steer rust must nuts nut men runt stun run mist sent serene siren tire nite nest ten sin net quit tree tie sir mere set sit met tire time trim rim term evaluation |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by teagirl on Aug 25th, 2004, 4:15pm evaluation ail ale alit ant ante ate atone aunt auntie avail eat elation ion late lava lave let lent lint lit lite lot lute nail naval navel net not note nut oat one ova oven tail tale tao ten tin tile tine toe tole ton tone tune vale valet value van vat vault veal veil vent vet vine vole volt volute vote ambidextrous |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by gracia on Aug 25th, 2004, 11:01pm exit arm bride tirade sour abide bide bid tide tie mix mist abs art duet duo dome bit bite bust bus boat board beau buxom best beam bear beat biro bistro bet beast betz bias bidet bur bum bud aide air brix arouse rose rise rite ride trix tribe tomb trauma drum dram stride strode star stab stub damb dumb tab tub boast toad sum ore set sit seat side timber brim roam route seam steam stir red oust bier boxes bare box bead beard bird roast toast dose sex ream team time dime dim sea sob sad bat bot but bud dot suit suite ENTABLATURE |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by cebuanalyn on Aug 31st, 2004, 7:54pm ENTABLATURE burn burnt tent relent lean lent bent butt bun neat near bear bare barn nature rebate rent tental talent tan tenure tuner tune true blare blur bent beer rant turn brat tale ran table tear rate late blunt interactive |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Oct 21st, 2004, 11:21am on 08/31/04 at 19:54:38, cebuanalyn wrote:
care eve can car tent rent rat race trace erect cat rin ran net native tin tact act active tear rain tren ten impression |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by Analyn on Oct 21st, 2004, 8:16pm impression open omission mission one poem mess snip pin sins spin piss sip press prison imprison son prim rip sim miss miser siren subscription |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by norkay on Nov 9th, 2004, 2:16am SUBSCRIPTION script scout sprout pin pint points toss to into bin scoup court sort sour sip bus burst scrub rub bust ribs pub on in ion bun boss sport cub spin sir crust costs trips strips spit pit turn torn tin sin son sun snob sinus but bit burst burp burn born up sit snip spurn snort soup sour sin scion pot pout pour porn port corn cut crop not piston pitch bitch posh pouch cross tip iron run ruin rot tub stub rust unto into next:CONVERSATION |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by Analyn on Dec 2nd, 2004, 12:08pm CONVERSATION stare vent stair star sent star rate onset case care cost sea core tons save store coin naive rest tin case nest net vase saint neat sanction ion care vices stain race strain rain cans can ants train cats cover stone version over on sin coin tin resignation |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Dec 17th, 2004, 4:57am resignation gin gets serg sir iron get got sea tea sit seat tan sin ran rag gone rest go goes sign rain nation rising tin torn not neat eat ate castigating |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by Analyn on Dec 17th, 2004, 8:14am castigating gain again sing stag nit gin sit sat cast gain casting stain can sting tag sat gas ant saint tin sin sat insubordination |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by mylane on Aug 3rd, 2005, 5:39pm insubordination sub nation sun tin tons dot bin ban sour nib tan not rob dots bots bus ant sat born nun dub sin donation prolapsed |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 10th, 2006, 5:53am lapse lap soap pole pro real plea dear ad slap lap read rode spear lease pole dope load deal spare ease sea polar pop prep plead road pear reap reincarnation |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by Aftr_it on Jan 19th, 2006, 11:06am in an it at to ta no re on or ire car tan arc tar ten tin ton are ore rot cot not nit net ran act ate eat cart tarn care carn rare rear roar rort rain rant cane rate nite note neat near tear tare tine tone rice train nacre antic crate inner racer nation canter ration action carrion trainer inaction incarnate carnation INARTICULATE |
Title: Re: WORD BUILDER Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 29th, 2006, 5:35am INARTICULATE in, are, it, an rate, ate, late, eat cure, rule, ruin tire, care, cart earl, cute, rain articulate, learn, lane clan, clean, crane create, crate, strain circuit, clear, art tart, stain witholding |
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