Title: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by Katipunerang Kuba on Sep 18th, 2004, 1:04am Hi guys.... Keen is our new hotseat celebrity. What can I say about him beside from being a hella cute. Keen have been one of the old members in this board. I love this guy ;D Without futher introduction. Lets all welcome keen and get to know him in a more personal level...yehey ;D |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by Katipunerang Kuba on Sep 18th, 2004, 1:10am For starter, some flaming questions... ;D 1. What part of a woman's body that you really find attractive and why? 2. What part of your body that you're really proud of? and part that your not so proud of? why? 3. What part of the woman's body that you really like to be touched? and why? 4. What part of your body that you really want to be touched by your partner and why? 5. What part of the woman's body that you really really like to be kissed and why? 6. What part of your body that you really really want to be kissed and why? |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by Katipunerang Kuba on Sep 18th, 2004, 1:11am 1. Do you think the world would be a better place if women were in power? 2. Do you believe that everyone is capable of pure and unconditional love? if yes, why? if no, why? 3. What do you think is the most desirable trait a woman has that can turn a man from a hater to a lover? 4. If you could date an AC1 gal, who could that be? and why? 5. How would u describe urself in a lonely hearts column? 6. What's your favorite color combination? |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by keensryche on Sep 18th, 2004, 11:01pm on 09/18/04 at 01:10:47, Katipunerang Kuba wrote:
1) I would say her stomach and belly button. If she has a small pouch, then I know that she's not a health nut, but she also tries to stay trim. 2. I'm proud of my brain. For staying religious and believing in my savior. I'm least proud of my belly, I need to lose some weight. 3. All of it, because it's yummy 4. My brain (or mind) really, stop laughing. It' what's on the inside that counts. I hope that doesn't sound corny, but it's the truth. 5. That would be her lips of course, because I like kissing females 6. Lips of course, kissing is great :-* :-* :-* |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by keensryche on Sep 18th, 2004, 11:16pm on 09/18/04 at 01:11:36, Katipunerang Kuba wrote:
1. No, sense the beginning of time man has been in control and needs to be. If you want proof, then read The Bible. 2. No, because some people don't know the meaning of the word love. Also some people are to evil to have love. (think Sept. 11th) 3. I would say trust. Without it, no relationship can survive. 4. Sense you came up with the question, I'd say you. (try not to laugh to loudly) 5. A man that fears God. Is humble, trustfull and funny. Also hates being bored. 6. royal blue, white and silver (Dallas Cowboys colors) |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by keensryche on Sep 18th, 2004, 11:24pm Ok, you finally got me, but just to let everyone know. I'll answer any question thrown at me. If you want my pride come and get it. (I must remain humble) However, I will only answer it with complete honesty and if I offend anyone or make some of you feel uncomfortable, then I'm sorry. Being honest is what I need to be and will. Also, I'll be gone for most of the day tomorrow and will return tomorrow night. I'll answer the questions when I get home. Thanks for putting me on the hot seat, it's going to be fun. I challenge all of you to give my your best shot. Come on, I can take it. Thanks again, fire away (if you dare). |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by gracia on Sep 19th, 2004, 9:38pm Hi there Keen........i'm a daring person and hmmm let me dare fire you my no-brainy questions: Just for fun anyway. 1. ARe you well-verse about the contents of the Bible? 2. Will you prefer debating whats inside the bible..or u prefer to keep it by yourself and live with it? 3. What is your most unforgettable moment with God? 4. Are you a member of any religious group? 5. In your own way.....what is it you consider as the greatest service you have done for Him. 6. Given a chance to give advice to all members of the forum........what would that be? 7. Looking back to all the trials you've encountered, will it come to ur mind to blame God? 8. ARe you contented of your life right now? why? 9. What are the things you still need to do with your life? and why? 10. How do you handle with negative people? 11. What is the most difficult trials that came to ur life? How did you deal with it. 12. Lastly, Who is keen? That's all for now Keen.........i may or may not come back...it all depends on the mood and availabilty. Have fun. |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by keensryche on Sep 19th, 2004, 10:46pm on 09/19/04 at 21:38:45, gracia wrote:
WOW! These are some deep questions. I'll answer them the best way I can. With Divine Intervention. 1. I believe I am, as John 14:26 the Holy Ghost teaches us to remember and in John 14:14 is our helper from God. 2. Debates are ok, only if kept calm. When things start to get heated, I tend to back down. It not easy to talk religion with some people because there emotions get to involved. If that happens, then I let them know that I respect there faith and still try to talk scripture with them. 3. When I believed that Jesus was his Son and wanted to be baptized. 4. I'm a member of the James Group. Were a bible based recovey group that helps people kick there addictions in a 12 step program. I attend meeting every Monday night and sometime (like tomorrow) I'm chairman of the group. I also try to talk to other and spread The Great Commision. If your interested, check us out at our website and be patient. We're still trying to get it running smoothly. It's at www.james-group.org 5. I would say that believing in His Son and leading others to him are my biggest services. 6. My advice to everyone is respect one another for who they are. Not try to chance anyone and to be honest. Also, if you feel that you might have an addiction problem, get help NOW! I wish I had a dime everytime I heard someone say "I can quit anytime I want" No you can't, because if so, you would have already. Step one is admitting were powerless over something. 7. No I don't blame God because Satan is just as responible as well. I'm a big believer in fate and distany, everything happens for a reason. We're all in a spiritual battle. 8. No I'm not content with my life right now, there's to many things I want. Mentally and physicially. But I'm not going to complain either. 9. I still need to grow spiritually and physicially I want to settle down and start a family, but God or Satan has other plan for my life. I'm not finding the right female to spend my Earthly life with. 10. Depends on how negative they are. If they're really a problem, then I don't waste my time. If I think that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Then I respect them for who they are and try not to encourge there negative nature. I try to think of something to make them cheerfull and focus on the possitives of life. 11. A few years ago I turned away from God and put my believe and faith in alcohol. I had some problem with my life and didn't care if I lived or died. I wanted a quick fix and thought that alcohol would help me faster and better then God. I did forget my problems, but when I was sober my problems were back. One day I realized that my problem are there, rather I'm sober or not. I then repented in front of the entire church and told everyone that I'm an alcoholic. That's when I met my sponser from James Group and got the help I needed. I also found God again and have been walking in his light every sense. Sometimes I mess up and sin, but I just brush myself off and try again. I think God understands, that's why he sent his Son. 12. I'm just a sinner trying to do Gods will and lead other to him. I try to be as humble as I can and know that if my head gets to big, God will bring me back to Earth. Thanks for the question. Sorry for some answers being to long. Your questions were great and uplifting. God bless ya! |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by teagirl on Sep 20th, 2004, 12:40am Hey Quiche! I'm not in the best form today but I'll try my best to come up with good questions for you 1. Why do you think the Beatles suck? 2. Tell me about the music of Queensryche 3. What is your favorite movie for all time? 4. If its Saturday evening, around 8, if I knock on your door to beg for a meal, what would you feed me? 5. Will you be cajoled into eating cats? 6. Whats your soap and shampoo? 7. Are you a morning person? 8. Why did you become alcoholic? 9. What shoe size do you wear? 10. Tell me something beautiful. |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by killerabbit on Sep 20th, 2004, 11:02am 1.Who is your favorite figure from the Bible?and Why? 2.If you could be a famous person for a day,who would you be? 3.What is your favorite type of breakfast? 4.What is the movie that you be torture for you to watch again? |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by keensryche on Sep 20th, 2004, 11:26am on 09/20/04 at 00:40:57, teagirl wrote:
Hi Tea, Thanks for the questions. Here's my answers. 1. I know that a lot of people like the beatles and I'm going to probley get torched on this, but I thought the beatles were over-rated. If Buddy Holly, Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens wouldn't have died in a plane crash in Febuary of 1959, then the beatles wouldn't be as big as they are today. I just think that Buddy Holly and the others got forgoten in the wind when they died. No one remember that they did it first. Nor do they remember Chuck Barry or Elvis. I also like The Rolling Stones better and as the saying goes. You can't like both. (at least that's what I've heard). Anyway, no offence to anyone, but I'm not to crazy about the beatles music. 2. Great question! Queensryche has been around for over 20 years. There music is progressive (modilation and transportation) in other words, they change keys and have a lot of chord changes. Instead of just having songs with 3 or 4 chords (like the beatles) they have several chords. One song has 7 different chord changes. It makes the song alot more enjoyable. Not only to listen to, but to play. (I play the guitar) I can relate very much to there lyrics also. They sing about relationships that have gone bad, politics and love. Geoff Tate has such a great voice and I've seen them live 6 times. 7 counting the time I saw Geoff Tate solo. This October 15th will be the 7th and (8th time hearing GT) 3. My favorite movie of all time is Passion of the Christ, Scarface is a close 2ed and Day of the dead (horror) is 3ed. 4. You wouldn't have to beg, I'd feed you regardless if your hungry or not. 5. Sorry, cats are not on the menu. 6. I use dove soap and Head and shoulders. 7. I'm not a morning person. I stay up to late at night and mornings are torcher. 8. I became an alcoholic because I had problems in my life and wanted a quick fix. Instead of being God-centered I was self-centered and tried to fix it myself. I created a problem 10 times more then I could handle and needed professional help to overcome it. Now, I hope to do the same for others. 9. My shoe size is 10 10. I'd like to sit on a beach with someone I love, look into her eyes, and watch the sunset. Heaven would be just around the corner. |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by Analyn on Sep 20th, 2004, 7:23pm hey keen...my turn :D 1) Who was Keen during his high school days? 2) How far can you go to prove your faith? 3) How would you like to be remembered by your family and loved ones? 4) Who was keen 20 years ago? today? and 10 years from now? 5) If given a chance to change a thing on your pysical appearance what will it be? 6) What quality in a woman that attracts you most? 7) Describe your friends. i may be back..hehe..but i can't promise... |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by keensryche on Sep 20th, 2004, 11:15pm on 09/20/04 at 19:23:55, Analyn wrote:
Hi Analyn, here's your answers. 1. Keen was a crazy, silly and most of all a smartass. He also kept to himself and didn't really hang around with anyone accept his bestfriend. We would play video games, watch movies or drive around town. I still keep in touch with him by way of email everyday. Keen didn't care to go to parties, dances or hang out much because of his low-self esteem. 2. That's a tough question to answer because the only one I have to prove my faith to is God. People can't send me to Hell for what I believe in, but God can. I know I'm not perfect. (Rom 3:23) however, I must try to remain as perfect as possible and that's a very difficult task. 3. I'd want to be remember as a humble person who feared God. Someone who loved his family and friends. Someone who passed through this life and traviled to the next life, because the next life is forever. Someone who tried to help others know God and Christ. 4. 20 years ago I was 14 and that was the year I was baptized. It's the biggest and best choice I have ever made. Today I'm honest, humble and trying to be God-centered. It's not always easy though. In 10 years from now, I hope to be married to the lady of my dreams and have a family. To share my dreams, goals and life with her and to let her understand that I love her very much. I tell her everyday either by voice, email, letters, gifts or maybe won't have to, she'll know. 5. To lose this pot belly of mine. To get in better shape then what I am now. 6. If were talking about what can't be seen, then of course her mind. What type of person she is on the inside where it matters most. On the outside her stomach and ass. 7. Reebop is my friend. That says it all. ;D |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by gracia on Sep 21st, 2004, 10:59pm Hi again Keen, i'm not busy at the moment and i think be daring here is quite worthy than skulking around. Answers that are long doesnt matter at all, as long u feel comfortable answering them. 1. If a fairygod woman will come to grant wishes, what wish/es will you ask for: a) yourself b) your love ones c) friends d) the world 2. Have you been embarrassed? in what way and why? 3. what was ur biggest frustration in life? why? 4. What is your unreachable dream/s..why? 5. ARe you willing to give up everything and follow Jesus? 6. Do you have kid/s? if there is....how many? 7. If you have kid/s......do you have any special agenda on how to bring them up? 8. What job you love most? why? 9. Have u tried loving someone unconditionally? 10. Have someone loved you unconditionally? 11. Who is keen as a lover? father? friend? 12. If you are single now and has any intention of settling down someday.........what your dream woman be like? manners and looks included (lets see if analyn is qualified...hehehe kidding) guess that would be all for now..... thanks for answering...... God bless.... |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by keensryche on Sep 22nd, 2004, 6:54am on 09/21/04 at 22:59:33, gracia wrote:
Hi again Gracie, thanks again for the questions. Here's my answers. 1a. I'd wish for 3 more wishes. Then I'd wish for 1) To be given the ability to teach others on how to kick there addictions and lead them to GOD. 2) To be as close to perfect as possible. 3) To find my future wife and start a family. 1b. I'd wish for my loved ones to never have troubles or trials in there life. 1c. I'd wish for my friends to know God like I do. 1d. I'd wish for the world to be able to "See(ing) the unseen" It's a book written by Joe Beam about spiritual warfare. 2. Yes I have, I got caught one time take a leak in a females bathroom at a sportbar. I didn't see the sign on the door that said "Ladies" because I really had to go. When I came out several employees where looking at me. I just smiled and said "Sorry, but I really had to go" They grinned and shook there heads. I also was told to sit in the front row of church when I disrupted the Ministers sermon. 3. It's what I'm going through right now. I have an addiction with lust. I love the female body and keep thinking how "perfect" it is. (I really admire Gods work) Now don't jump the gun or get your panties in a knot, but I do not rent porn, go to nude bars or do anything disturbing. It's all mental and it's the toughs thing I ever had to fight. Kicking my alcolhol addiction was easy. Never drink again. Now how do I kick my addiction with lust? Never think again? You see the sisuation I'm in. 4. That's a great question! I can't go back in life and change some things I've done wrong and do them over. I wish I would have known then what I know now. Also, to have a San Diego Charges cheerleader as a honey. I think there beautifull. I like a few (2 or 3) Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, but they don't compare to the Charges girls. 5. Of Course, what on Earth will last forever? This is the shortest life we're going to live. Heaven is forever. 6 No, Haven't been bless with a family yet. 7. I don't have kids, but I would hope that they learn to understand God and Jesus like I do. It's not something I'd push on them because they have a mind of there own and it's there choice, but I would be there to encourage them. I'd teach them the dangers of alcohol and again encourage them not to ever drink. 8. Helping people kick there addictions. I'm an associate for the James Group (12 step recovery program) and help them to fight off there personal demons. 9. Yes, God, Jesus, Holy Ghost, my family and friends. 10. Yes, God, Jesus, Holy Ghost, my family 11. As a lover, I'd say that I'm trustfull, honest and humble. I don't have a female in my life yet, (she's just a friend) but if we are to grow closer and closer, then I believe I can love her and "only her" forever. I've never told a female (other then family) that I love them, because I'm saving those words for that special lady. I'll also tell her everyday that I love her. I'm not a father, so no answer there. And as a friend I'm loyal, trustfull and honest. If you don't agree, then ask Reebop. (If he dogs me, I'll hurt him. LOL) 12. My dream lady. On the inside - trustfull, honest, humble, kind, funny and uncondictional love. On the outside - Long, silky hair. (don't care what color) long smooth legs, sexy stomach, great breast, tight little ass, beautifull smile, no tattoos or body piercings (ears only) don't care what color her eyes are either. That's was a great question. Makes me want to be lustfull again. I'll have to think of my female friend and call her later day. Thanks again for the questions, keep'em coming. |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by keensryche on Sep 22nd, 2004, 6:55am on 09/21/04 at 22:59:33, gracia wrote:
Hi again Gracie, thanks again for the questions. Here's my answers. 1a. I'd wish for 3 more wishes. Then I'd wish for 1) To be given the ability to teach others on how to kick there addictions and lead them to GOD. 2) To be as close to perfect as possible. 3) To find my future wife and start a family. 1b. I'd wish for my loved ones to never have troubles or trials in there life. 1c. I'd wish for my friends to know God like I do. 1d. I'd wish for the world to be able to "See(ing) the unseen" It's a book written by Joe Beam about spiritual warfare. 2. Yes I have, I got caught one time take a leak in a females bathroom at a sportbar. I didn't see the sign on the door that said "Ladies" because I really had to go. When I came out several employees where looking at me. I just smiled and said "Sorry, but I really had to go" They grinned and shook there heads. I also was told to sit in the front row of church when I disrupted the Ministers sermon. 3. It's what I'm going through right now. I have an addiction with lust. I love the female body and keep thinking how "perfect" it is. (I really admire Gods work) Now don't jump the gun or get your panties in a knot, but I do not rent porn, go to nude bars or do anything disturbing. It's all mental and it's the toughs thing I ever had to fight. Kicking my alcolhol addiction was easy. Never drink again. Now how do I kick my addiction with lust? Never think again? You see the sisuation I'm in. 4. That's a great question! I can't go back in life and change some things I've done wrong and do them over. I wish I would have known then what I know now. Also, to have a San Diego Charges cheerleader as a honey. I think there beautifull. I like a few (2 or 3) Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, but they don't compare to the Charges girls. 5. Of Course, what on Earth will last forever? This is the shortest life we're going to live. Heaven is forever. 6 No, Haven't been bless with a family yet. 7. I don't have kids, but I would hope that they learn to understand God and Jesus like I do. It's not something I'd push on them because they have a mind of there own and it's there choice, but I would be there to encourage them. I'd teach them the dangers of alcohol and again encourage them not to ever drink. 8. Helping people kick there addictions. I'm an associate for the James Group (12 step recovery program) and help them to fight off there personal demons. 9. Yes, God, Jesus, Holy Ghost, my family and friends. 10. Yes, God, Jesus, Holy Ghost, my family 11. As a lover, I'd say that I'm trustfull, honest and humble. I don't have a female in my life yet, (she's just a friend) but if we are to grow closer and closer, then I believe I can love her and "only her" forever. I've never told a female (other then family) that I love them, because I'm saving those words for that special lady. I'll also tell her everyday that I love her. I'm not a father, so no answer there. And as a friend I'm loyal, trustfull and honest. If you don't agree, then ask Reebop. (If he dogs me, I'll hurt him. LOL) 12. My dream lady. On the inside - trustfull, honest, humble, kind, funny and uncondictional love. On the outside - Long, silky hair. (don't care what color) long smooth legs, sexy stomach, great breast, tight little ass, beautifull smile, no tattoos or body piercings (ears only) don't care what color her eyes are either. That's was a great question. Makes me want to be lustfull again. I'll have to think of my female friend and call her later day. Thanks again for the questions, keep'em coming. |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by tarantada on Sep 23rd, 2004, 6:16am i think you missed killerwabbit questions, keen. Same questions I asked on Kianna's hotseat ;) 1) What made you register in this forum? 2) Were you named after anyone? 3) Do you like your handwriting? 4) Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? 5) Would you rather be cremated or buried? |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by keensryche on Sep 23rd, 2004, 5:38pm on 09/20/04 at 11:02:20, killerabbit wrote:
Hi Wabbit, sorry I didn't see your questions. I'll do my best to answer them. Hope you forgive me for my mistake. Here I go... 1. If I can't say Jesus, then I would say Job. No matter what happen to him, he never lost his faith and accepted that was thrown at him. He never let Satan get the best of him and he only was down on himself. I don't know if many people could do what Job did therefore I respect him. 2. That's a great question. (thinking) I think I'd want to be Moses, but I don't know if I would have like to see the Red Sea split open or get the 10 commandments for GOD. (I really had to think on that question, send more like this) 3. Starbucks coffee 4. Passion of the Christ Thanks again for the questions and sorry I missed them the first time. Keep'um coming. |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by keensryche on Sep 23rd, 2004, 5:57pm on 09/23/04 at 06:16:19, tarantada wrote:
Hi Tar, thanks for pointing out that I missed killerrabbits questions. I would have missed them had you not caught it for me. ;) Here are you answers to your questions. 1. Reebop has been a friend of mine for the last 10 years and has been more like a brother. He's helped me in getting through life and has been unselfish ever sense I met him. He's truely a true friend and I'm greatfull that I can call him one of my bestfriends. He told me about the site one night while we were at a sportsbar and encourged me to join. After some thought and hearing that some of you at AC1 was asking about me, I deciede to register. 2. Yeah, I was. If you want to know my real name, then here is your chance. However, anyone that uses it will be removed from my Christmas list for this year. In other words, DON'T CALL ME BY MY REAL NAME. I won't answer you. It's from the bible. My dad named me after the worlds first murderer. (thanks dad) He put a "H" between it and that is my real name. I'm not going to say what it is. You can look it up for yourself, but PLEASE don't use it. It's not common and I've had bad credit all of my adult life. I don't know if someone got a hold of my name or social security number or both, but whatever the case, my credit sucks. Keen was a nickname 2 guys in high school gave me. They thought it was my real name when they first met me and it stuck ever sense. 3. No, I'm not the worlds best penmenship. 4. Yes I have. It was a mistake and I wish I did do it. 5. I don't really care what happens to my body after I die, I won't know either way. Thanks again for the questions. Take care. |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by okasantina on Sep 24th, 2004, 2:34am Hello Keen dear,,,i guess u know me ... ~Tina here ;) ook here are my questions.... 1. Define and describe ure name in every letter ;D 2. Is this ure 2nd life? how and why? 3. When was the last time u dated someone? 4. Do u pray rosary? and do u know how to pray the 15 mysterieries? 5. What u usually do if u feel u r down and have sinned? 6. What would be the best qualities of a girl to catch ure attention and why? 7. Turn offs? and why? 8. DO u have parents still? how many are u in the family? do u live alone? 9. What is Keen behind the net? 10. Have u tried to commit suicide? `is there a time that u thought of it? 11. Are u a catholic? 12. Have u ever fall in love? What does it feel to fall? 13. In 12 apostles ... who is the best u like and kinda conneceted to ure life? and why? 14. I love you because..............??? 15. I wanna marry u because.......??? 16. Define sex? and how u manage it? `this is not to offend u keen? just asking... lol 17. I like being honest and true person indeed....but if ever u encounter a lier and deceitful person what would u do to make her feel she or he is sorry for what he she did? 18. What would u do if a girl will cry for u? How would u comfort her? 19. What makes u mad and what u usually do if ure mad? 20. OK last question........lol...define me. ;D |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by thebeast on Sep 24th, 2004, 9:47am What kind of lawn equipment do u have? brand? is it electric or gas? Tell what was going on in your mind when you got your first hard on. Which woman would you choose(you only have these 2 choices and u gotta choose) woman 1-a pretty lady who is wild but has a no personality. woman 2-an not so attractive lady who isnt wild and has a great personality. What is the most dirty repulsive thought you have ever had? If you could interview anyone in the world past, present or future, who would it be? God, Jesus, or Satin cant be answers. Okay thats it for me ;D |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by kianna_andrea on Sep 25th, 2004, 8:20am ;D Hello Keenie,... here are some simple questions from Kiannie :D 1. Describe Keen in 5 words. 2. Describe Keen when deeply, madly, passionately in-love. 3. What's the longest relationship you've ever had? 4. What is it that you just don't get about women? 5. What's the biggest life change you've been through recently? 6. What makes you happy? 7. What makes you sad? 8. What's the biggest lesson you've learned about life so far? 9. If you could be God for a day, what's the first thing you would do and why? 10. How would you like to be remembered? Thanks in advance Keenie. Ingat ;) |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by keensryche on Sep 26th, 2004, 1:26am on 09/24/04 at 02:34:23, okasantina wrote:
Hi Tina and everyone. Sorry, but I had to help my parents move over the last few days and I've been extreamly tired. I'll answer all the questions here to the best of my ability. That's not going to be easy because there's so tough questions. Well here goes. 1. I don't think I understand what the question is, but here goes. C- Cleaver, A - Adorable, H - Handsome, I - Incredible, N - Nice; As I said before, Dont call me by my real name. Thanks 2. Sense I don't believe in reincarnation, No this isn't my second life. 3. Haven't dated someone in 3 years. (WOW, 3 years already?) 4. I just pray normally. I'm not a Catholic. 5. I ask God to forgive me and I know that as much as i try to be perfect, I know I'm not. I go to rehab every Monday night and tell those present of my faults. 6. On the inside - Honest, trust, humble, Christian, funny and a good listener. On the outside - Long silky hair, nice legs, tight little ass, sexy stomach and a great chest. Don't care what color her hair or eyes are. 7. Those think there looks are everything. There's more to a beautifull person then what's on the outside. Tattoos, piercings, non-believers, smokers, sassyness, heavy drinkers. Those that don't accept people for who they are. 8. Yes, thank God my parents are still alive. I helped them move this weekend. My sister isn't married. 1 of my brothers is married and has 2 kids and my other brother is married and has 3 kids. I'm not married (yet) and I live alone. 9. I don't know what you mean by behide the net. 10. OK, this is a dark question, but yes, I have tried to kill myself twice. One by overdosing (high school days) and the other was when I was drinking. It was a slow suicide. I don't care if I die with a bottle in my mouth. I haven't thought if it ever sense and I never will. Life is to meaningfull to do something that stupid. Both times by the grace of God I was saved. I'm not proud of it, but I can't chance my past. I can only chance my future by what I do today. 11. I'm Christian, but not Catholic. 12. No, I haven't found my soul-mate yet. If I have I don't know it yet. I can't tell what it feels like because I've never felt it. Now lust is another thing. 13. That's a great question (thinking) I would like to think John, because it's the deciple that Jesus loved. 14. ...You first loved me 15. ...You my soul-mate 16. Don't worry Tina, you won't offend me with any question. Sex to me is discribed in 2 ways. As lust and as love. Lust is your one night stands, or date someone untill you have sex, then break up with them. Porn is nothing but lust and so is phone, computer and email. Love is with someone you love uncondictionally and want to be with the rest of your life. Having no desire for anyone else ever. Great question! 17. Your on a roll Tina. Another great question. It would depend on what they lied about and how I felt afterward. If it's a white lie then I can overlook it, but if it's a lie that is intented to cause trouble, pain or offend. Then that's a different story. I could forgive, but it would be to a certion degree. Honesty is the best solution. 18. It would depend on what she was crying about. I'd hold her and let her cry, then when she's ready to talk, I'd let her. I incourge her to talk because keeping it in will only prolong the pain. I don't like seeing the women I care about cry and I would make me feel bad also. 19. Several things make me mad. I'm sometimes moody, so my anger varies. I don't like stupid people and I really don't like, when stupid people do stupid things. I don't like people that are rude and unthoughtfull of others, Democrates and aristracrates. 20 (LOL) That's going to be dangerous sense I don't really know you, but I think your cool, honest, funny, great to talk to and get along with, interesting (you asked some great question) and intelligent. Did I do well? Thanks again Tina, that was alot of fun. :D |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by keensryche on Sep 26th, 2004, 1:45am on 09/24/04 at 09:47:04, thebeast wrote:
1. I live in an apt, so I don't have any lawn equiptment. 2. (lol) I was looking at a dirty magizine. 3. I would choose "2" It's what's on the inside that counts. 4. Great question. (thinking) OK, read at your own risk, send the kids to bed and get ready to be shocked. It would be to lick a females a-hole. 5. I would like to interview Job. I'd like to know how he was able to not sin against God after all he went through. I would also like to know what Gods voice sounded like. To me, I believe God was talking with his voice raised and sometime maybe yelling. I'd like to know if Job knew it was Satan that was doing all these things to him and lastly, if his respect for Satan was to the extream. Thanks for the questions, try not to be to shocked by the answer to #4. :D |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by keensryche on Sep 26th, 2004, 2:15am on 09/25/04 at 08:20:40, kianna_andrea wrote:
Hi Kianna, I wondered if you'd be asking any questions. Here's the answers. 1. Christian, honest, humble, trustfull, funny 2. I've never been deeply, madly, passionately in love. Now I have been deeply, madly, passionately lustfull and that's not an easy thing to handle. 3. I dated a girl for 2 1/2 years. 4. Why can't they see, what a great guy I am, on the inside. 5. Great question. I would say when I saw "Passion of the Christ" in Febuary. It painted a different picture in my mind when I saw Christ die on the silver screen. Made it feel like I was actually there. 6. Women with sexy stomachs and tight little asses. Serinity is good also. 7. When I think of some of the things in my life I could have done better, but didn't. Not having a steady lady in my life also. 8. JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD!!!! 9. End the world and send everyone to there eturnal home. That's a great question. ;D 10. God fearing, Christian who tried to do right, but failed many times. One who tried to help others kick there addictions and lead them to God, Son, Holy Ghost. Honest, humble and caring person. Thanks again for the questions. I like my answer to #9. I'm still LMAO. |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by okasantina on Sep 27th, 2004, 10:13pm on 09/26/04 at 01:26:51, keensryche wrote:
Hello Keen :D...i really do appreciate all the answered uve made...wow! Im so sorry about the suicide thang..me so proud of u that u end up w fearing GOD's word..i know theres something for u to look and see up in the near future...so move forward GOD is surely there with you...i just took it as a joke when u said about the bottle...cause i was after on plastic and not a bottle b4 ;D... One more thing ... i was asking about What is keen behind the Internet? sorry if u didnt get my question... ;D And..............so........... ure name is CAHIN? hmmm ::) dont worry me will not call u on ure name Cahin ;D Thanks Keen ... god bless yah :D |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by keensryche on Sep 28th, 2004, 8:08pm Hey Tina, Keen behind the internet is just trying to be as humble and honest as possible. Doing what I can to answer the questions. Thanks for the questions, it was a lot of fun. Thanks for spelling out my real name. ;D All other, do not even think about calling me it. Stick with Keen. :D Thanks to everyone else who asked a question. If you have more, just let me know. But remember, honesty is the best answer and that is how I'll be answering it. Thanks again. KEEN and not Cahin. :D |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by ReeBop on Sep 28th, 2004, 8:44pm Hmmmm, I remember calling you other things before.... [smiley=detective.gif] |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by chelle on Sep 28th, 2004, 10:59pm I dont really know who u are but i knew u by name since everyone ask sum i think it wouldnt hurt if a stranger like me ask u sum does it? 1. What sort of stuff you normally do outdoors? 2. When cruisin on your motor bike what are your feelings and whats on your mind? 3. Quality of a woman you most desire? name one of good example?....whoever... 4. what are your thoughts in Bush administration? 5. Do you think that bush doin all this for a goal of getting that oil in iraq? well have fun lol u dont have to answer this if u dont want too l,ao:P and have great day [smiley=hello.gif] |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by keensryche on Oct 3rd, 2004, 1:55pm on 09/28/04 at 22:59:06, chelle wrote:
Hi Chelle, Sorry it took me so long to answer these questions. I had some computer trouble and been busy, but that should be an excuse. I'll do the best I can to answer these so that you can get a better understanding of who I am. 1. I like going to Starbuck, Half price books and music stores. I just got a bike and so I'll be doing some riding in the near future. I like going for walks and working out some, but in the last few weeks I've had a skin rash and have been trying to get that under control. I want to spend more time outdoors before it start to get to cold. 2. I don't have a motor bike. I just have a regular bike. I think about how good I'm going to look if I keep riding and lose more weight. I also think about where I'm going to ride to and how far. I think about life and how great nature can be. 3. I look into the inside of a female. Sure I like what's on the outside, but it's what's on the inside that counts most. I try to see if she is honest and respectfull, nice and humble. If there's something about her I don't like, I then lose interest and continue my search. 4. Political question cool. I'm a Republician, so I believe Pres. Bush is doing a great job. No Pres. has ever had to go through what he has and he's handling it well. I know that sometime Pres. Bush wishes things wouldn't have been the way they are, but we don't always get to choose the cards life deals us. I don't believe we need the UN telling us when we should or shouldn't protect ourselves. The US doesn't need permission from anyone. They didn't bomb there country. Pres. Bush is handling the country well and as long as GOD says. Pres. Bush will continue to. 5. NO, It's about terrorism and making sure that the USA or it's allies never go through what NYC went through. It's about making sure that Iraq is protected from a brutial, cold-blooded and evil leader and his sons. It's about keeping mass trans, companies and most important people safe. It's about cleaning up the trash and disease of the world and ellimating it forever, so that they can't attack anyone else. And it's about doing GODs work. As the saying goes, crime never pays. They will now GODs Wrath. Rather in this life or the next, GOD will deal with terrorist. Thanks again for the questions, makes me want to watch the news and afterward go outside for a workout. |
Title: Re: AC1: Celebrity Hotseat # 12 - Keen Post by mymy on Oct 5th, 2004, 11:45pm In behalf of the management and all the members, We would like to thank KEEN for entertaining all our questions. Thank you very for being such a good sport. Again, Thank you very much, KEEN. muak keenie ;D |
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