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Community >> Hotseat Challenge >> CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
(Message started by: Saffire_65 on Nov 23rd, 2005, 11:28pm)

Title: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by Saffire_65 on Nov 23rd, 2005, 11:28pm
Ladies and Gentleman I present to you the rap dj of AC1 *drum rollin'............*  [smiley=drummer.gif]

Hold tight and enjoy the seat Mixin4livin  ;)

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by Saffire_65 on Nov 23rd, 2005, 11:47pm
Ok let me take the honour to ask your first question. Dont worry I'll go easy on you. My questions are;

1)  Where do you originally come from and what ethnicity are you?

2)  How old are you? Married / single or still looking? hehee

3)  What do you look for in life and in chatroom?

4)  In one of your postings you actually mentioned about your experience meeting someone from the internet.  Was she really that ugly which made you wanted to run with your running shoes? Is look really matters to you when looking for a date and what sort of beauty would you go for?   ;) LOL

5) Describe how you look like hehehe (a) height  (b) weight (c) hair-style (d) fashion sense (c) color of your eyes and hair   :P

Ok there you go 5 easy questions as an appetizer.  Enjoy!

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by Wicked_Witch on Nov 24th, 2005, 12:45am
Hello, RJ! ;DSince you're new here I'll go easy on you...for a while ;D

1.  What kind of work do you do?

2.  Do you like to read books? If yes, what kind of books?

3.  Do you smoke, drink?

4.  What are the things that turns you off in a woman? What turns you on?

5.  For you, what is a woman's greatest attraction? Breast, butt, face, height?

6.  Are you regularly seeing someone from the room?

7.  Are you a sexual person?

These are all for now and I hope to be back for more. Enjoy your seat!!!!

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by nOrKAy on Nov 24th, 2005, 3:22am

Hello RJ,

WELCOME to Celebrity Hotseat ! Relax and enjoy it. We will definitely enjoy being with you too.

Have fun!  ;D I will be back for my queries.  ;)

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by mixin4livin on Nov 24th, 2005, 3:56am

on 11/24/05 at 00:45:43, Wicked_Witch wrote:
Hello, RJ! ;DSince you're new here I'll go easy on you...for a while ;D

1.  What kind of work do you do?

2.  Do you like to read books? If yes, what kind of books?

3.  Do you smoke, drink?

4.  What are the things that turns you off in a woman? What turns you on?

5.  For you, what is a woman's greatest attraction? Breast, butt, face, height?

6.  Are you regularly seeing someone from the room?

7.  Are you a sexual person?

These are all for now and I hope to be back for more. Enjoy your seat!!!!


1.  Work as a Resident DJ for a 5 Star Hotel

2.  Bloody Hell NO ..A Big "NO"

3.  Smoking yes, But Drink only occationaly....I Like to keep my head straight and my sences all the time...

4.  TEETH hahaha LOL turns me off some times
* For me to know and for u to find out...Im always turned on...LOL

5.  Little in everything...little more on sex please lol

6.  Nope

7.  wanna hear my record ?..11 times within a day with my ex gf...Swear this is the truth

These are all for now and I hope to be back for more. Enjoy your seat!!!!  

Yeah Right this makes me sit on my chair for hours TY Norkay


Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by mixin4livin on Nov 24th, 2005, 4:13am

on 11/23/05 at 23:47:52, Saffire_65 wrote:
Ok let me take the honour to ask your first question. Dont worry I'll go easy on you. My questions are;

1)  Where do you originally come from and what ethnicity are you?

2)  How old are you? Married / single or still looking? hehee

3)  What do you look for in life and in chatroom?

4)  In one of your postings you actually mentioned about your experience meeting someone from the internet.  Was she really that ugly which made you wanted to run with your running shoes? Is look really matters to you when looking for a date and what sort of beauty would you go for?   ;) LOL

5) Describe how you look like hehehe (a) height  (b) weight (c) hair-style (d) fashion sense (c) color of your eyes and hair   :P

Ok there you go 5 easy questions as an appetizer.  Enjoy!

1. I Belong to 3 Nationality's... Born in Lapu Lapu - Cebu Grew up in Malaysia and in Srilanka..Holding 2 passports ..Malaysian and Srilankan

2. Im 31 Never Married..still looking

3. Still Learning... you'll be the first to know when I discover lol

4. Looks doesnt bother..But Size does matter... She was 4.8 and Im close to 6 feet..Hey Im not MJ (Michael Jackson) Im RJ lol

5. Some girls say that I look like Brad Pitt (not arm Pitt)... Ask for my cam next time will ya? lol

Anything Else Madam...ok Next [smiley=huepfend003.gif]

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by mixin4livin on Nov 24th, 2005, 4:21am

on 11/24/05 at 03:22:21, nOrKAy wrote:
Hello RJ,

WELCOME to Celebrity Hotseat ! Relax and enjoy it. We will definitely enjoy being with you too.

Have fun!  ;D I will be back for my queries.  ;)

TY Kriss... Im Enjoying it..... [smiley=rock.gif] [smiley=bigcry.gif]

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by Gracia on Nov 24th, 2005, 5:23am
Hi there RJ....nice to see you here....

Here's my share:

1.  Which country you want live with for the rest of your life? why?

2.  What makes you tick?

3.  You said you're still single...what is your type of woman?  (for the sake of single ladies out there..ladies  thank me later okay)

4.  Do you think you're worth fighting for? Why?

5.  What are your good qualities?

6.  What are your not so good qualities?

7.  Are you a jealous type of a guy? possessive?

8.  What was the best thing you ever did to your woman?

9.  Based from your past relationships, what was the most important lesson you've learned from it?

10.  What are your other expertise aside from being a DJ?

11.  What makes you happy? sad?

12.  Given the chance to do one good deed to someone, who would that be and what deed woud  that be? why?

13.  Are you accomodating type of a guy?

14.  What are your weaknesses in terms of women?

15.     What are your rumblings in life?

Okay RJ....enjoy your seat...that's all i can think of... ;D

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by earthlingorgeous on Nov 24th, 2005, 8:42am
Hello RJ  ;D welcome to the forum and sit back buckel up and hold tight and enjoy the ride lol!!! it will get bumpy soon lol!

Question:  ;D

1) Jeeeez RJ whats the 11 times within the day? Elaborate? lol!

2) When will I sign my recording contract? lol!

3) Hey Mr DJ can I make a request? Pwede ba yung love song ko? ooops I remember you don't understand Tagalog lol!  (can you play my love song please? Or better can you send me a recording of all my favorite lovesongs  ;D?

4) When do you want to get the list?  ;D

That's all for now ... will be back later  ;D

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by dOnUtz 9urL on Nov 24th, 2005, 1:00pm
wow a DJ in the house.. [smiley=icon_dance.gif]
first of all... welcome to the forum, mixin... or errrr should l call u RJ? ;D
we're happy to had you on the hot seat, l wont miss grillin yah ;D
and dun worrysince l dunno you, l'll be nice n easy then ;D

1. wat is RJ stand for?

2. color of :
   - hair ?
   - eyes ?
   - skin ?

3. where did you go to school? are you enjoying your teenager at school?

4. what is your favourite music? do you record your own music?

5. which one you prefer... a very pretty gurl but dumb, or a very smart gurl but ugly? lol

6. favourite food? will u share with me? ;D lol

7. hows live in dubai? u like it? is the weather hot there? pls elaborate.

8. wat do you think about the girls in AC1, are they nice? any of them are your crush/crushes? ever got an online relationship b4?

9. do you believe in God?

10. you said ur close to 6 feet... hows the air up there?

11. can u speak malay?

okies l might comebak... be good n enjoy the grilling, RJ ;)

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by Wicked_Witch on Nov 25th, 2005, 12:54am

on 11/24/05 at 03:56:17, mixin4livin wrote:

[color=green]Hehehehe! I will let you answer those questions first that has accumulated since your last visit. Then I will come back for more of mine, ok? Just dropping by to say YOU SUX!
[smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]See yah'z :-* :-* :-*

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by CooCHie on Nov 25th, 2005, 1:29am
Wow MIXIN AKA RJ in the house!!Finally in the hot seat!!Keep it jamming now RJ...
Ok here is mine!!

Summarize who is RJ in the shortest way!!! ;D

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by nelson3082000 on Nov 25th, 2005, 1:33am
ah right the dude rj meister is here ok my time to give the questions i hope there hard ya bugger.

1) are u a lover or a fighter.

2) what ya best hobbie.

3) whos best friend.

4) what do ya do for fun.

5) whats ur fav drink.

6) name ya best characteristic.

7) send me some music i want to hear some.

take car buddy and be good to.

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by mixin4livin on Nov 25th, 2005, 2:14am

on 11/24/05 at 05:23:31, Gracia wrote:
Hi there RJ....nice to see you here....

Here's my share:

1.  Which country you want live with for the rest of your life? why?

2.  What makes you tick?

3.  You said you're still single...what is your type of woman?  (for the sake of single ladies out there..ladies  thank me later okay)

4.  Do you think you're worth fighting for? Why?

5.  What are your good qualities?

6.  What are your not so good qualities?

7.  Are you a jealous type of a guy? possessive?

8.  What was the best thing you ever did to your woman?

9.  Based from your past relationships, what was the most important lesson you've learned from it?

10.  What are your other expertise aside from being a DJ?

11.  What makes you happy? sad?

12.  Given the chance to do one good deed to someone, who would that be and what deed woud  that be? why?

13.  Are you accomodating type of a guy?

14.  What are your weaknesses in terms of women?

15.     What are your rumblings in life?

Okay RJ....enjoy your seat...that's all i can think of... ;D

1.Country...hmm Vallejo California in U.S.
2.Love the people out there ..I worked there for nearly   6 months and I enjoyed it     ...Damn I had to move coz I work for a DJ Crew
3.A woman who can be interesting.. Shouldn't be able to cook..hmmm the rest is for u to find out ..hehehe
4.Well so many females do fight for me when I DJ hehehe they treat me as a star.But I love my character.. Don't play with the pay…..fight for it girls lol..its worth it..

5.For me to know and for u to find out
6.Good in sex LMAO... For me to know and for u to find out..I report u Decide
7.Never Jalousie never possessive...I always accept and appreciate what I get..

8.Did a lot of things (that's in Past ok).. Taking her along with me where ever I go..I always come home late..but be awake giving my arm to her to sleep and wake her in the morning when its time for her to get ready to work. Gifted her the biggest dog (soft toy) I could find in the toy shop..damn there's so many ..Past is past and that hurts doing all that..
9.Could have married her and never would have let her go (Lesson)

10. DJ'ing use to be a part time thing.. Which became a carrier. Good in sales and marketing, Qualified in Hotel Management, Event (entertainment) Solutions like designing clubs and sound proofing, Telecommunication solutions,Cooking hehee
11.Happy for what I am and love my parents a lot like my god's..
also Happy coz    my   gods are alive.. sad coz I could do more for them in life…

12. It would be my mom… as I told u I believe in my living god .. if I get loads of money she would be the first one I would always think of..
13. Yes and always and will be for ever… Never had enemy's in my life and never will..even in bad situations with people I always forget and forgive..
14. Don’t approach.. they come to me hehehe
15.  Nothing essential

[smiley=chillpill.gif] [smiley=icon_drink.gif]


Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by mixin4livin on Nov 25th, 2005, 2:21am

on 11/24/05 at 08:42:26, earthlingorgeous wrote:
Hello RJ  ;D welcome to the forum and sit back buckel up and hold tight and enjoy the ride lol!!! it will get bumpy soon lol!

Question:  ;D

1) Jeeeez RJ whats the 11 times within the day? Elaborate? lol!

2) When will I sign my recording contract? lol!

3) Hey Mr DJ can I make a request? Pwede ba yung love song ko? ooops I remember you don't understand Tagalog lol!  (can you play my love song please? Or better can you send me a recording of all my favorite lovesongs  ;D?

4) When do you want to get the list?  ;D

That's all for now ... will be back later  ;D

1.  Earth read between the lines... I mean Sex lol 11 times a day is my record heheh Hey Jeff do u see whats she's asking me?
2.Anytime Earth
3.I'll do that on February on your wedding lol
4.Before your wedding

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by mixin4livin on Nov 25th, 2005, 2:52am

on 11/24/05 at 13:00:27, dOnUtz 9urL wrote:
wow a DJ in the house.. [smiley=icon_dance.gif]
first of all... welcome to the forum, mixin... or errrr should l call u RJ? ;D
we're happy to had you on the hot seat, l wont miss grillin yah ;D
and dun worrysince l dunno you, l'll be nice n easy then ;D

1. wat is RJ stand for?

2. color of :
   - hair ?
   - eyes ?
   - skin ?

3. where did you go to school? are you enjoying your teenager at school?

4. what is your favourite music? do you record your own music?

5. which one you prefer... a very pretty gurl but dumb, or a very smart gurl but ugly? lol

6. favourite food? will u share with me? ;D lol

7. hows live in dubai? u like it? is the weather hot there? pls elaborate.

8. wat do you think about the girls in AC1, are they nice? any of them are your crush/crushes? ever got an online relationship b4?

9. do you believe in God?

10. you said ur close to 6 feet... hows the air up there?

11. can u speak malay?

okies l might comebak... be good n enjoy the grilling, RJ ;)

....hmm Blushes..
1. RJ are the initials of my full name...IM me next time ok heheh
2. Hair - black, Eyes-Black and white lol,Asian Brown
3. School- Malaysia and Srilanka.. ofcause I did...
4. I love music no matter what it is.. R&B, Hip Hop , Retro, Reggaeton, etc..Yes I do record my own remixes.. But I never give out
5. I dont mind both built in one lol
6. I like a lot of spicy food no pork no dogs lol.. incase if I get extra frog legs I'll try to shair it with u lol
7. Life in Dubai is prety cool I would say..in 5 years Dubai would be same as US..thats what they say..the most secured place to be..the weather doesnt matter at all coz all accomodations are airconditiond..cost of living is pretty much reasonable than in US..Its a multi national country I would say..Compared to Saudi Oman etc Dubai is the best place to be in the midle east.. Check out about the Palm Island the worlds 8th wonder coming up next year
8. AC 1 Girls are pretty cool.I like almost everyone in there..thats why Im still hanging on..Not yet Im still looking for one..some times I dont feel of it coz I preffer the reality..Yes I had an online relationship..LMAO didnt u read an early post of mine?Reffer>who would u date in asian chat room
9. I call my Mom the living god.. then comes the almighty "MOM FIRST THEN GOD"
10. Hey Shorty I didnt fart LMAO hahaha
11. Yes I can speak Malay but not that fluent..

[smiley=fish.gif] [smiley=tier010.gif] [smiley=fish.gif] [smiley=tier010.gif] [smiley=fish.gif] [smiley=tier010.gif] [smiley=fish.gif] [smiley=tier010.gif] [smiley=fish.gif] [smiley=tier010.gif]

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by mixin4livin on Nov 25th, 2005, 3:12am

on 11/25/05 at 00:54:15, Wicked_Witch wrote:
Hehehehe! I will let you answer those questions first that has accumulated since your last visit. Then I will come back for more of mine, ok? Just dropping by to say YOU SUX!
[smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]See yah'z :-* :-* :-*

SHUD UP WITCHY I DIDNT ASK U  lol  [smiley=rock.gif]

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by mixin4livin on Nov 25th, 2005, 3:15am

on 11/25/05 at 01:29:00, CooCHie wrote:
Wow MIXIN AKA RJ in the house!!Finally in the hot seat!!Keep it jamming now RJ...
Ok here is mine!!

Summarize who is RJ in the shortest way!!! ;D

Hey Coochie..u always have been a darling to me ..Mwouahz to u... "RJ"are my initials for the full name

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by nOrKAy on Nov 25th, 2005, 3:34am

Hello RJ, I am back.  ;D I am OK now after you poked me.   :'( Hehehe.
Look, you're doing great. And I am happy to know.  ;D

Here are mine:

1. You said you are married, but you are looking for someone? So, you mean, you are looking for a mistress?  ::) uh oh,  ;D .

2. How do you feel when the band stops playing and it's your turn to play alone and the people watch you? Do girls flirt ? I smiled when I found out you are a DJ. Reminds me of my crush. He is so cute when he DJs.

3. A saying says, that to measure a man, measure his heart. My question, what is your heart's measurement?

4. If your wife wants you to quit from DJ-ing , are you willing?

5. What else do you do , aside from DJing?

6. Can you also sing?

7. How often do you visit the Philippines?

8. I have a friend working in Dubai in a hotel at Mirage Tower. Do you know that place?

9. If you want to thank so much someone today, who would be that person?

10. What do you like most in this forum?

Thank you, thank you so much RJ. I will come back to read and might ask you more. Enjoy your seat !   ;D

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by mixin4livin on Nov 25th, 2005, 3:43am

on 11/25/05 at 01:33:19, nelson3082000 wrote:
ah right the dude rj meister is here ok my time to give the questions i hope there hard ya bugger.

1) are u a lover or a fighter.

2) what ya best hobbie.

3) whos best friend.

4) what do ya do for fun.

5) whats ur fav drink.

6) name ya best characteristic.

7) send me some music i want to hear some.

take car buddy and be good to.

Hey Bro... U still donno who this Stiff Meister is hehehe (American Pie)i thought u would gimme a break lol

1. Lover or fighter.. LOL Nelson I would be rather be Love maker hehehe
2. Apart from Music, cooking and chatting
3. My Mom is my best friend (She is my everything we got no boundries as Mother and son we are very close and got no secrets)..if someone says something to my mom I dont mind even killing him or her
4. Chat, Call my self a black and joke with all my friends etc
5.Australian Fosters
6.Bruce Almighty lol
7. Download Lime Wire and u can have loads of music
lol Cheers Buddy [smiley=icon_drink2.gif]

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by mixin4livin on Nov 25th, 2005, 4:16am

on 11/25/05 at 03:34:09, nOrKAy wrote:
Hello RJ, I am back.  ;D I am OK now after you poked me.   :'( Hehehe.
Look, you're doing great. And I am happy to know.  ;D

Here are mine:

1. You said you are married, but you are looking for someone? So, you mean, you are looking for a mistress?  ::) uh oh,  ;D .

2. How do you feel when the band stops playing and it's your turn to play alone and the people watch you? Do girls flirt ? I smiled when I found out you are a DJ. Reminds me of my crush. He is so cute when he DJs.

3. A saying says, that to measure a man, measure his heart. My question, what is your heart's measurement?

4. If your wife wants you to quit from DJ-ing , are you willing?

5. What else do you do , aside from DJing?

6. Can you also sing?

7. How often do you visit the Philippines?

8. I have a friend working in Dubai in a hotel at Mirage Tower. Do you know that place?

9. If you want to thank so much someone today, who would be that person?

10. What do you like most in this forum?

Thank you, thank you so much RJ. I will come back to read and might ask you more. Enjoy your seat !   ;D

1.  Kris U havent read it propperly I said NEVER  married...(Single)duh.. LMAO

2.When the band stops ..Im always ready before they stop with my hands on the Turntables and looking at the crowd.. feels great..I make sure the crowd go "wow" for the first track I play to attract them to the dance floor..I like pressure I like to do alot of showman ship than just DJ'ing, I love scratching setting records on fire etc.. yes lota girls flirt.the best part is ,most of the pinays they come over to me and say bldffhsbbhlhb its a hard task for me to explain that I dont understand tagalog and proving my self than Im not Filipino lol...If u fall for me Kris u will still have to run on the thread mill hehhe

3. I'll Let u know once I go to the hospital next time Kris lol

4. Never Married to experience it Kris, well I have plans to do DJ'ing as a part time thing anyway..I dont wanna be a DJ for the rest of my life.. I won competitions I acheived what I want in DJ'ng..I would definetely change my carrier before my wife asks me to if there was..I dont want my kids to say "my dad is a DJ"

5.I do Entertainement solutions for clubs will be working for a bank soon

6.Just a lil bit on singing.. if I could sing better I would join a band lol

7. I only visited Phills once I cant even remember..I missed the chance this time

8. Think u have mistaken that name Kris, is it Royal Mirage ?or Emirates Tower.. never heard of Mirage Tower..There is a hotel named Royal Mirage but not a tower..its inbetween Jumeirah and Jabel Ali Im in the heart of the city Dubai

9. I want to Thank u Kris.. U are the best who ever thought me in this kinda works..mwouaahz 2 u

10.This forum changed a lot of things in me..I never wrote about my self in my life..I hate even reading newspapers... now Im reading and writing heheh once again its a capital YOU who I would thank ...

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by nOrKAy on Nov 25th, 2005, 5:15am

on 11/25/05 at 04:16:59, mixin4livin wrote:
1.  Kris U havent read it propperly I said NEVER  married...(Single)duh.. LMAO

Oh , I am sooooo sorry RJ. I thought I have read something like, "married". LOL. Sorry for that.

on 11/25/05 at 04:16:59, mixin4livin wrote:
8. Think u have mistaken that name Kris, is it Royal Mirage ?or Emirates Tower.. never heard of Mirage Tower..There is a hotel named Royal Mirage but not a tower..its inbetween Jumeirah and Jabel Ali Im in the heart of the city Dubai

Oh yes, it's Royal Mirage! Do you know that? Do you go there? Hihihi. You can meet my friend there. He is a hotel restuarant manager ;D

on 11/25/05 at 04:16:59, mixin4livin wrote:
9. I want to Thank u Kris.. U are the best who ever thought me in this kinda works..mwouaahz 2 u

RJ, it's a big pleasure to me that you are happy to try this after doing a scratch on your head when I pulled you in this hotseat corner.  ;D

I love this forum and I am very happy when someone likes and enjoys it.

A big THANK YOU, too, RJ! Continue the fun!  ;D

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by mixin4livin on Nov 25th, 2005, 5:19am

on 11/25/05 at 05:15:12, nOrKAy wrote:
Oh , I am sooooo sorry RJ. I thought I have read something like, "married". LOL. Sorry for that.

Oh yes, it's Royal Mirage! Do you know that? Do you go there? Hihihi. You can meet my friend there. He is a hotel ;D

RJ, it's a big pleasure to me that you are happy to try this after doing a scratch on your head when I pulled you in this hotseat corner.  ;D

I love this forum and I am very happy when someone likes and enjoys it.

A big THANK YOU, too, RJ! Continue the fun!  ;D

*U mean your friend is a hotel or a hotelier... lolz...I have been there couple of times ..I dont mind visiting him but will he gimme free drinks hehehelol

[smiley=icon_drink.gif] [smiley=icon_super.gif]

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by mixin4livin on Nov 25th, 2005, 7:15am
Hey Kris U Modified your earlier post LMAO "U said your friend was a Hotel then u modified it as Hotel Restuarent manager..well done hehehe  :P[smiley=huepfend003.gif] [smiley=lat1a.gif] [smiley=huepfend003.gif] [smiley=lat1a.gif] [smiley=huepfend003.gif] [smiley=lat1a.gif]

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by Levy on Nov 25th, 2005, 1:41pm
(dang it! i didn't click the post button before changing page  ::) ::) ::)...stupid of me  [smiley=wall.gif] so here it goes again...)

Hey Mr. DJ!!!  [smiley=oops.gif]...i meant RJ  ;D

Just want you to know that you are one of the first 4 AC1 chatters in my Cinderella ID's friend's list...hahaha yeah yeah... among the total of 4 so far... anyway...you're nice and friendly and funny, too...can i see you eat that pepper on cam again?   [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]
Ok hehehe...my question:

If you happen to have an online girlfriend (you haven't met her yet in person) whom you really love, she is poor and you know that (based on what she told you) her mom is in the hospital for a kidney problem and that you know she (your gf) needs money desperately (let's say $1,500), what would you do?

Btw, can you pm to me the name of the hotel where you work? I may be dropping by there in the near future...you never know.  ;D ;D ;D

I wanna know...is your ass burning now from your HOT seat????  [smiley=crazysmile.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif]


Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by mixin4livin on Nov 25th, 2005, 3:13pm

on 11/25/05 at 13:41:55, Levy wrote:
(dang it! i didn't click the post button before changing page  ::) ::) ::)...stupid of me  [smiley=wall.gif] so here it goes again...)

Hey Mr. DJ!!!  [smiley=oops.gif]...i meant RJ  ;D

Just want you to know that you are one of the first 4 AC1 chatters in my Cinderella ID's friend's list...hahaha yeah yeah... among the total of 4 so far... anyway...you're nice and friendly and funny, too...can i see you eat that pepper on cam again?   [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]
Ok hehehe...my question:

If you happen to have an online girlfriend (you haven't met her yet in person) whom you really love, she is poor and you know that (based on what she told you) her mom is in the hospital for a kidney problem and that you know she (your gf) needs money desperately (let's say $1,500), what would you do?

Btw, can you pm to me the name of the hotel where you work? I may be dropping by there in the near future...you never know.  ;D ;D ;D

I wanna know...is your ass burning now from your HOT seat????  [smiley=crazysmile.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif]


I liked your earlier ID anyway..there is a club which I use to pop in most of the time called Cinderella-Rockafella's...I realy liked the name ,the set up and the atmostphere of the club..your ID always reminds me of that club..
Shhhht!! Levy Don't say it in public that I showed u eating pepper on cam hhehe lol
About your question... 

Hmm..were u drunk when u typed it hehehe ..I havent come across a situation like that to experience it Levy..In reality why not, as long as she's honest..Her mom is still a mom..she would definetely love her mom as I do..
I will tell u the Venue I spin..but keep your status on available at all times (I mean YM status ) lol


How Come Levy we both are born on the same day? I'll wait for your Hotseat to put my questions out... Keep It Real!!!!  


[smiley=icon_super.gif] [smiley=icon_super.gif] [smiley=icon_super.gif]

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by ChAntiQ on Nov 27th, 2005, 12:00pm
Rj whuts your favorite sleeping position when you have someone with you in bed :P


Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by mixin4livin on Nov 27th, 2005, 3:38pm

on 11/27/05 at 12:00:30, ChAntiQ wrote:
Rj whuts your favorite sleeping position when you have someone with you in bed :P


If someone who I dont know.. I would select 10(+) LMAO
If Someone I love.. Let me see... well its not there in your chart..2 and 4 is ok... if she is not snoring..I preffer silence..think I replied a mail like this during my school days lol..there is a story behind every possition I guess..


Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by earthlingorgeous on Nov 29th, 2005, 10:22am

on 11/25/05 at 02:21:11, mixin4livin wrote:
1.  Earth read between the lines... I mean Sex lol 11 times a day is my record heheh Hey Jeff do u see whats she's asking me?
2.Anytime Earth
3.I'll do that on February on your wedding lol
4.Before your wedding

 RJ, i'm bein innocent here *blushes* lolz  ;D

Oh cool I will just get my list ready and you can have it ASAP!!! lol. Thankies in advance  ;D

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by Saffire_65 on Nov 29th, 2005, 1:51pm
RJ hi again. I'm going to be very direct with my questions. I'm not good at beating round the bush.  my questions are;

1) are you dating online or have someone special in mind?

2) If yes state if shes from AC 1 , If no are you open to online relationship?

3) Have you been hurt before both in real and virtual?

4) wheres that damn picture you promised me? LMBO j/king

Thank you for answering my previous question. I hope your experience here was as good and wonderful as mine. Thanks again   ;D

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by mixin4livin on Nov 29th, 2005, 11:54pm

on 11/29/05 at 13:51:26, Saffire_65 wrote:
RJ hi again. I'm going to be very direct with my questions. I'm not good at beating round the bush.  my questions are;

1) are you dating online or have someone special in mind?

2) If yes state if shes from AC 1 , If no are you open to online relationship?

3) Have you been hurt before both in real and virtual?

4) wheres that damn picture you promised me? LMBO j/king

Thank you for answering my previous question. I hope your experience here was as good and wonderful as mine. Thanks again   ;D

Yah Rite Saffire... I dont like Bushes Too...I preffer Shaved LMAO  [smiley=woot.gif]

1.  Not yet Saffire...Still looking for...

2.  I don't mind (a big WHY NOT)..but preffer reality than net..

3. Yes I have been hurt..Learned A lesson so Im watching my step..Practicing what I preach..

4. Done.. I've sent u the pics as u wanted to be sent.. But where is your's.. lier ..LOL


Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by mixin4livin on Nov 30th, 2005, 12:00am

on 11/29/05 at 10:22:11, earthlingorgeous wrote:
 RJ, i'm bein innocent here *blushes* lolz  ;D

Oh cool I will just get my list ready and you can have it ASAP!!! lol. Thankies in advance  ;D

Yah Rite lol... Anytime Earthy
[smiley=daisy.gif] [smiley=daisy.gif] [smiley=daisy.gif]

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by Saffire_65 on Nov 30th, 2005, 1:37pm

on 11/29/05 at 23:54:50, mixin4livin wrote:
Yah Rite Saffire... I dont like Bushes Too...I preffer Shaved LMAO  [smiley=woot.gif]

1.  Not yet Saffire...Still looking for...

2.  I don't mind (a big WHY NOT)..but preffer reality than net..

3. Yes I have been hurt..Learned A lesson so Im watching my step..Practicing what I preach..

4. Done.. I've sent u the pics as u wanted to be sent.. But where is your's.. lier ..LOL


awwwwwwwwwwww what a cutie.  Will you marry me pweaseeeeeeeeeee LMBO :P Thanks for that lovely pic.  Didnt know you walk on 4 legs tho. dayumn!

Title: Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
Post by nOrKAy on Nov 30th, 2005, 4:23pm

Mixin4livin / RJ,
How grateful we are to have you here in this forum and able to know and get close to you. Indeed, you are a sweet, fun, smart guy, with a great sense of humor. I ,personally, am so glad to know you, and I am sure everyone feels the same. It was certainly a great time with you.

Consequently, the management and all the members, want to evince our gratefulness for the fellowship you have generously shared to us. Thank you for entertaining our inquisitiveness. That's very smart of you. Your cooperation is so much appreciated, too. We hope then for your perennial involvement with us in this forum.

RJ, once again, we thank you.

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