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Community >> Hotseat Challenge >> *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
(Message started by: CooCHie on Jun 29th, 2006, 5:36am)

Title: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by CooCHie on Jun 29th, 2006, 5:36am
Ok Ladies, here it is the next hotseat in town..CHECK IT OUT!!!!


Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by hukelberry on Jun 29th, 2006, 7:58am
awwwwwwwwww i loved it sooo kool. the pictures of me were a little imberrising lol. but I loved it Thank you cooch ill have to sing this song for you. ;D

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by jackie on Jun 29th, 2006, 8:17am
:o :oWoooooooo finally, huxley...its my turnnnnnnnnnnn!!!
Ok here are my questions:
1.  When is the last time you had sex?
2.  WHen you stare a lady, which one do you look at first?
    a. face
    b. boobs
    c. bootay
3.  What is the kinkest sex you ever did.
4.  When and where (question 3)
5.  What is your real name
6.  How old are you.
7.  Why are you not married yet?

Ok I will be backkkkkkkkkkkk!!!

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by hukelberry on Jun 29th, 2006, 9:11am
lol Jackie Question 1. My right hand lol jk been awile
                           2. Face and smile
                           3.Outside in car
                           4.while driving at nitght.
                           6.31 years old
                           7. no one like me awaaaaaaaaa jk just never did.  ;D

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by okasantina on Jun 29th, 2006, 6:52pm
hello huckleberry  :D welcome to the hotseat ... oh boy hope it wont burn ure ass too much  ;D ;)

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by hukelberry on Jun 29th, 2006, 7:13pm
okasantina lol. my ass is not burning unless i sit down hehe ;D

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by CooCHie on Jun 29th, 2006, 7:22pm
Hi Huxley, I will be back.  I am still collecting some recipe for a good grilling questions. ;D  Dont get too relax now.

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by hukelberry on Jun 30th, 2006, 8:51am
lol coochie  :o

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jun 30th, 2006, 9:42am
Aha! A new butt to grill, yummy!! ;D Welcome to the Forum, Ronnie. For my first batch of Q's, let me be gentle. ;)

1. What kind of work do u do?
2.  Have u ever travelled out of the country?
3.  Are u in any relationship right now?
4.  Are you happy with the way your life is going right now?
5.  How long have you been chatting?
6.  Do you go to other rooms?
7.  When is your birthday?
8.  Is there something in your life that you have not achieve yet?
9.  What is Miss Right for you?
10.Do you like childen?

These are all for now and I will be back for more. See you around. :-*

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by hukelberry on Jun 30th, 2006, 10:07am
Wicked_Witch  lol Is that ur real name lol jk. :-X
1. Property managment
2. Yes Ive been to europe
3.Yes I am
4. I am Ok
5. Off and on for 1 or 2 years
6. Sometimes But I like Ac1 the most I made lots of friends in there
7. june 13
8. yes
9 Someone that makes me laugh and that is understanding someone that I can share my fellings with.
10. Yes children are the bigest joy for me they make me happy. Sometimes I don't know if children like me more or if they like them more lol. I am A kid myself at hart.

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by nOrKAy on Jun 30th, 2006, 5:10pm

Hi Hukelberry,  
First, it's nice meeting another member from California.  ;D

1. What does Hukelberry or Huxely, stand for?

2. Been married? Kids?

3. Living alone?

4. When you were introduced to this Forum and visited it, what gave you the interest to join?

5. Right now, what are you dreaming to happen in your life?

Thank you Hukelberry. I will be back. Enjoy.  ;D

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by hukelberry on Jul 1st, 2006, 8:58am
It is hehe lol jk . Yes it is nice to know more people that I talk to are from californai. Well  hummmm about your questions.

1.The name Huxley Is sortove a nic name Its complated.Its just a name does not stand for aneything else Hukelberry well most girls start calling me that after awile so I figure beat them to it lol.

2. Never married and never had kids.

3. I have room eights

4.Ive been aproched with more then a couple of people to join.  Well Jackie is a good sales Woman lol jk. She wanted me to joan so I did. As far as when I dont know when i was introduced.  And my interest to join was To make some more friends and laugh more often.

5. Well Right now I am working on a deal with perue To help my company open thier doors there this August.  ;D

nOrKAy lol sounds like a marketing pitch lol

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by CooCHie on Jul 1st, 2006, 7:08pm
Hi Huxley aka Huckleberry:

Here some of the recipe been mixing for yah!!

1.   When do you say she is the one?
2.   What are your turn offs?
3.   If you have one choice for the gal you would like to marry someday,  and your choices are beauty outside versus beauty inside, what would that be?
4.  Who is your crush in asian one?   ;D
5.  If you only have one day to live what would be the most remarkable thing you would like to do that everyone you will left behind will remember you by?

Ok that is it for me, start dancing and singing and I will check on yah later!!!!Enjoyyyyyyy

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by hukelberry on Jul 2nd, 2006, 6:50am
coochie cooch you are a good cook hehe. ;)

1.  that's kinda of a question for a woman lol. What book are you getting these questions from lol. When I feel loved someone that stand's by me through the tough times and bad times. Well I know she is the one when I kiss her on the cheek when she is asleep. The one is the person that makes me smile just thinking of day after day.

2.lol. I don't like someone that is selfish in thier thinking.  Snobbie and stuck up that turns me off.  If someone wants to hang with me they better be orrigonal.

3.Of course I would choose the beauty inside because that is what lastes. But it goes back to beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you see someone you like and you grow attached you found thier inner beauty.

4. well im not one that like's to show favoratism so I would say everyone lol.

:'(5. Well first of all I would like them to say That I made them smile. But most of all I prey thay all kids allways have a place to eat and a home to live.

lol soooo many questions lol.

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by nOrKAy on Jul 4th, 2006, 6:56am

I'm back, Hukelberry.  ;D Thanks for the answers to my first set of questions.

May I know your favorites, this time?  ;D

1. Food -

2. Sport-

3. Outfit-

4. Jeans/ trousers-

5. Part of your body-

6. Past time-

7. Magazine-

8. Perfume-

9. Color-

10. TV show-

11. Boxer or brief?


Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by hukelberry on Jul 4th, 2006, 7:58pm
ok nOrKAy hummmmm

1.Thai food right now but changes

2. Hocky

3. my babby cloths lol

4. Jeans

5. My ear

6.  4th of july celebrate fredom

7. hummmm dunno

8. I dont whear perfume only calone

9. Red white and blue

10. Discovery channel I like the Ghost stories I allso like comody

11. I like Boxers

LoL whear do you get these questions from hahaha.  ;D

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jul 5th, 2006, 8:34am
I'm back for more too. ;D

1.  In a relationship, would you give a second chance to an ex-gf after you found her in bed with another man?
2.  Are you the kind of guy who likes to talk after sex or you fall asleep immediately?
3.  In bed, would you prefer a screamer or a moaner? Which turn you on the most?
4.  Do you like to get into kinky stuffs when having sex or you want it done the "normal" ways?
5.  Do you like to shower before or after sex?
6.  Do you go for a one-night stand with let's say a girl from a bar?
7.  Do you also get "wetdreams"? When does it happen?
8.  What turns you on in a woman physically? her lips, her breasts, her butt?

Let's get it hotter, buddy ;)

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by Gracia on Jul 7th, 2006, 6:30am
Hi there Huxley, seems ur doing quite well.   I'm in the mood of being nosy, please bear.

1.  What was your greatest frustration/s in life?

2.  Are you contented with life right now? Why and why not?

3.  Are you sensitive type of guy?

4.  Speaking of pains:  
     what kind of physical pain you've endured so far?  
     what kind of emotional pain that had wounded you so terribly?

5.  What was your first love like or say first relationship was like? with a woman of course.  Pls elaborate how it started and how it ends.  If it creates a novel, i don't mind reading.

6.  We all have failures, what was your worst failure?

7.  What you think you have had accomplished that you say you are really proud of?

8.  Describe your family?

9.  Describe the sorroundings you currently in.

10.  Describe yourself 5 years from now.

11.  What are the things that annoy you most? May it be a person's trait or a thing.

12.  What is your greatest dream?  Dream that is kind of impossible but possible.

Okies, Huxley.....have fun and enjoy.... ;D

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by hukelberry on Jul 7th, 2006, 7:24am
to the wicked wicked wicked witch

1. Hell no she can bite my dust I don't need someone that I can't trust

2. LoL no I talk or Ill keep going. Sex is fun enjoy it while you can

3. hummm well it does not make a diffrence to me. I guess what turns me on the most is the passion not what someone does.

4. Yea im kinky lol

5. Yes I like to so we all cleen and smell great

6. No im not much of a one nite stand person just not enough for me. It turns me on more if I know who I am having sex with.

7. hummm secret

8. To tell you the truth her smile. If someone smiles alot that tells me alot about them right away. I would allso have to say clean looking. someone that takes care of her self.

well witchy witchy hope i answerd some of your questions ok lol  ;D

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by hukelberry on Jul 7th, 2006, 7:59am
hi Gracia

1. answering these questions lol jk. well I would have to say. Loosing someone that you love so much.

2. I am but not cant explain

3. Yes I am sensetive

4. Not physical just emotional. Well I dont want to say

5. Well the first was fantastic  we were together for awile but we parted and went are seperate way.

6. Should have had kids sooner

7. Im never finish. But I would say am allwyas proud of my life. Allways being honest to my friends and nabors or anyone I  meet.

8. lol are you maphia lol. Well my dad works hard and lives in covina. My brother lives in san diego. We all get along great we have alot of fun when we get together.

9. Well im in my room keeping the ac on because its hot. I have a tv and sterio cloths desk shoes socks computer and fake flowers on the wall from my x gf that i cant seem to take of with her name spelt on the wall.

10. Im with the one i love and we are laughing. Making good times having kids

11. someone that is rude and biligerent . Oh yea I was driving today and someone had thier door wide open when i was driving down the street I could have riped her door clean off id i did not see her door open.

12. playing god lol jk. I dont need much I am happy. but I would say bless the kids that dont have something to eat or sleep.

wow I really had to think of your questions lol :o

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by CeL on Jul 7th, 2006, 12:17pm
i wanna take a bite of huxley before he left his seat.... ;D

hey huckleberry care to share us what do these letters stands for in ur life (if there is any)......;)

H ----
U ----
X ----
L ----
E ----
Y ----

and here's something to tickle ur bone..... ;D

if u will get to choose to perform ur wildiest...kinkiest....and most erotic sexual activity >>> where....when....how....and with whom  wud it be ::) :P ::) :P

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by hukelberry on Jul 7th, 2006, 6:41pm
hi cel lol

H. Happy

U. uphold

x. xxx

L. loveable

E. entertaining

Y. yummy

Mountin everist  all the time buy plain dunno someone I dream about.  :)

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by jackie on Jul 7th, 2006, 11:31pm
OK I am back for more...
Its been awhile I did not kick you butt there hux.

First of all let me goooo bwarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrffffffffffffff......whew i feel alot better now.

Here it goes...
1.  Do you talk more if you are drunk or not drunk.
2.  What is your best come on line...lets here it...for the gals...hehehehe
3.  What turns you on more, a stripe tease or pole dancing.
4.  Tell me how you set up a romantic date.
OK that is all for now...dancing awayyyyyyyyyyyy [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=drummer.gif] [smiley=drummer.gif]

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by hukelberry on Jul 9th, 2006, 5:57am
lol jackie bratt

1. I talk more if im drunk it depends if the room si spinning

2. I don't have one lol i act my self but if i wanted to make one for laughs maybe hummmm. Wow did you allways look like that  ;D lol that could be good or bad hahahaha

3. I don't know I guess it would depend on the girl that is dancing. If she dances good or not. Maybe pole dancing becouse You don't even have to take off your close and it would still turn me on becouse of the way they dance. but i dunno never really spend time in a club.

4. I allways like the beach maybe go to eat and and walk on the beach walk on the sand with bair feet. have a nice little bondfire rost some marshmellows cuddle and keep worm and talk some more.

lol you have some good questions hahaha ;D

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by okasantina on Jul 9th, 2006, 11:16am
Hello Huckle ;D lemme try to grill yah till you get burn lol

*  Which do u prefer.... anal, oral, boobie or the main entrance lol  type of sex? why?

*  Is it ok if ure partner will finish even if ure not yet done? lol

*  What making love position you love most and why?

*  How long....is the longest.....you ever had? lmao!

*  Do u talk? moan? silent? spank ass? pull hair? what??! lol while ure making love? sample....lol

*  Hmmm what else ::)  Ok tell me...hows like to be under? explain briefly. lmao!

* How kinky is the kikiest youve got? explain.

*  Define cyber sex? Whats your opinion about it?

*  love first b4 lust? or lust first b4 love? why?

Hope this will not offend yah..its only just for fun  ;D  you may answer or answer the questions ... lol ok? enjoy the grilling....grrrrrrrrrr!  :P

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by hukelberry on Jul 10th, 2006, 7:35am
hi okasantina you have good questions ill come to you for answers later lol jk

1. I like anal, oral, boobie,main entrance. up side down 69, while falling, sky diving, on a roof or even in the room says sam I am. lol Because it's good to be pashenate with someone.

2. Yea its ok there is allwyas seconds

3.Doggie style is good. I like to see the butt waives lol.

4. I dunno I never really keep track of the time. I pay attetion of what my partner is thinking. but I would have to say the whold day and nite.

5.I talk sometimes but I am silent I dont really maon. I may spank ass if she wants for fun. Or who knows. Im not into herting my partner lol

6. dunno what you mean under lol

7. Just tied up. or in pool, outside

8. lol Cyber and sex does not mix maybe we can ask webster. lol

9.Love first then lust much better If there is love. Becasue when you both love eachother you pay attetion to them much more and with good responses.  :)

hey still no grill lines on my stake lol.

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by Nathy on Jul 10th, 2006, 3:54pm

Welcome to forum...and it's time being grilled.. ;D ;D

Just wanna ask you some Q's :
1) What do u do usually before and after slepping?
2) If you were a gay? Who would be your partner? Don't tell me Donald Duck  ;)
3) In Jackie's question you mentioned the last time you had sex was with ur hand?? Hhhmm...prefer right or left hand? And why?? LOL... ;D
4) If you were a hero, who would you want to be? Superman, Spiderman, or Batman? And have you ever realized that all those Super Hero are using showing their underwear off??  ::)LMAO..

All for now..and I'm dancing now Jackie  :D

[smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=woot.gif] [smiley=cat39.gif]

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by okasantina on Jul 10th, 2006, 6:06pm
Thanks Huckle for those elaborative answers lol... ;D

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by hukelberry on Jul 11th, 2006, 3:23am
omg nathy weard picture lol :P

1. Take a shower and prey
2. If i was gay I would not need a partner dunno never really thought of it.

3.I have to use both at same time lol hahaha jk

4. I am a hero dont need to be someone else. I would use my own underwer. I never noticed them showing off thier undies lol

lol okies

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by hukelberry on Jul 11th, 2006, 3:24am
your welcome okasantina :P

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by CooCHie on Jul 12th, 2006, 4:08am
Thanks Hux for being a sport!!!! ;D

Title: Re: *Hot seat#59* Huxley aka Huckleberry
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jul 12th, 2006, 4:12am
In behalf of the Forum management , the moderators and members, we would like to thank you, Huxley for sharing your time with us. You are such an entertaining person based on your witty replies and comments to all the questions posted in here. We really did enjoy having you here. More power to you and in the future we would gladly open your hotseat again if we get  requests to reopen it. Thank you, Hukelberry. Mwahhh! :-*

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