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Romance & Relationships >> All About Sex >> Giving men oral
(Message started by: somebody on Jan 5th, 2006, 5:49am)

Title: Giving men oral
Post by somebody on Jan 5th, 2006, 5:49am
KEKEKEK I can't believe I'm posting this but oh well, I'm "somebodyyoudunno"...lol So I guess I shouldn't feel embarrassed. Plus I don't have the bawls to talk about this IRL.

My first experience giving a guy oral sex was awful. We were hanging out when he asked me to and I was hesitant but I did it anyway and it was nothing like what I expected.  He kept my head down longer than I wanted (I almost choked to death!) and on top of that, he you know what in my mouth w/out telling me that he was coming! I had no idea what to expect..I didn't know how awful C tasted.  I quickly ran to the bathroom and spit it out.  Ever since then, I've been kinda traumatized at the thought of giving guys oral.  I know that guys love oral and I'm more than willing to do it but I'm still traumatized by that experience.  How do I get past this? I get mad everytime someone wants oral.

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by astrobloke on Jan 5th, 2006, 9:31am
I'll be watching this thread closely  ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by okasantina on Jan 5th, 2006, 6:05pm

on 01/05/06 at 05:49:10, somebody wrote:
 How do I get past this? I get mad everytime someone wants oral.

LMAO! somebody dear... nahh you shouldnt get mad at it! just take it as an experimental experience lol!  

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 5th, 2006, 7:24pm
I think all men enjoy that.I heard there's a technique on how you can take it "all" in.  And it's ok too if you want to please your man. But I would hate it if the guy cums in my mouth! Ewwww...that's disgusting! Sometimes they already get "wet"  just anticipating the pleasure to come and it's bad enough already. Lol. How to get past it? I don't know, is it possible to?

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by okasantina on Jan 5th, 2006, 7:32pm

on 01/05/06 at 19:24:44, Wicked_Witch wrote:
I think all men enjoy that. And it's ok too if you want to please your man. But I would hate it if the guy cums in my mouth! Ewwww...that's disgusting! Sometimes they already get "wet"  just anticipating the pleasure to come and it's bad enough already. Lol. How to get past it? I don't know, is it possible to?

Yes! all men do enjoy that..especially when they cum on ure mouth lol! why? i dunno maybe it excites them more..imagine when he is with u..and ure about to cum ... the pleasure of cummin while his mouth on ure thang.. imagine that!?? geesh i guess it would be a multiple orgasm lol...same with men...so it doenst matter if he cums to ure mouth...most especially in husband and wives...nothing to bother and say ewwwww... well that s ure prerogrative but the thing is.... u two will be together for the rest of ure lives..so why not try anything under the sun... The mere fact is both of u are happy in what ure doing and ure sex life should be enjoyable u know?  I guess others would take this as really disgusting...but come to think of it?  Make ureself explore about anything especially regarding sex as long as he is ure HUSBAND and not any other men whom u just feel ure horny with...well thats diff thats a very *friendly* personty woman i think.  ;)

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by thebeast on Jan 5th, 2006, 7:39pm
Actually a males semen is a good source of protein. So women should look at swallowing a males semen as a healthy thing.  It is also true that the more healthy a male is the more healthy is his semen. So a healthy male could be considered as a good source of protein for you ladies.  

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 5th, 2006, 7:50pm

on 01/05/06 at 19:39:55, thebeast wrote:
Actually a males semen is a good source of protein. So women should look at swallowing a males semen as a healthy thing.  It is also true that the more healthy a male is the more healthy is his semen. So a healthy male could be considered as a good source of protein for you ladies.  

Yeah, yeah yeah ::)If this is the only way I can get proteins.I think I'll pass...ewwwww!!

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by okasantina on Jan 5th, 2006, 7:52pm

on 01/05/06 at 19:39:55, thebeast wrote:
Actually a males semen is a good source of protein. So women should look at swallowing a males semen as a healthy thing.  It is also true that the more healthy a male is the more healthy is his semen. So a healthy male could be considered as a good source of protein for you ladies.  

Ive tried that already but its more on the smell....lol! like a bleaching liquid eh...lol if its protein then i think im out to goiter eh? ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by astrobloke on Jan 7th, 2006, 3:19am
Let me add something from a guys perspective.
In my experience very few women are good at giving oral, I mean good enough that the stimulation is intense enough to compare to doing the horizontal "wild thang".
Its more a psychological thing, in that a man wants to be adored and desired, and to get oral is a symbol that she really desires all of him , even more so if she swallows his semen.That is the ultimate.

Q: Why do brides always smile when they are walking down the aisle?
A: Because they know they have given their last blow-job  [smiley=roll.gif]

Guys dont be fooled by Okasantina. Lotsa girls can only bother to give oral when they are wanting to impress you. After marriage its gonna happen a lot less, not more  [smiley=roll.gif]

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Gracia on Jan 7th, 2006, 5:02am

Actually a males semen is a good source of protein.

and so is fish....i prefer meat than fish..so i guess..i have lotsa stock of protein in my body ;D

Guys dont be fooled by Okasantina. Lotsa girls can only bother to give oral when they are wanting to impress you. After marriage its gonna happen a lot less, not more  

I thought wives are to take care of the needs of their husbands to avoid subcontracting their needs outside...hmmm..unless its okay for the wife to share...

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 7th, 2006, 10:28am

on 01/07/06 at 03:19:27, astrobloke wrote:
Lotsa girls can only bother to give oral when they are wanting to impress you. After marriage its gonna happen a lot less, not more  [smiley=roll.gif]

I have been married for 25 years and when my hubby was still alive we always enjoy a good sex and were even playful when the mood strikes us. Good sex did not end after the marriage, Astro. Though I never try to swallow anything.

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by okasantina on Jan 7th, 2006, 7:32pm

on 01/07/06 at 03:19:27, astrobloke wrote:
Let me add something from a guys perspective.
In my experience very few women are good at giving oral, I mean good enough that the stimulation is intense enough to compare to doing the horizontal "wild thang".
Its more a psychological thing, in that a man wants to be adored and desired, and to get oral is a symbol that she really desires all of him , even more so if she swallows his semen.That is the ultimate.

Q: Why do brides always smile when they are walking down the aisle?
A: Because they know they have given their last blow-job  [smiley=roll.gif]

Guys dont be fooled by Okasantina. Lotsa girls can only bother to give oral when they are wanting to impress you. After marriage its gonna happen a lot less, not more  [smiley=roll.gif]

What the hell is wrong with u astro? ::) why? Is that the way u think of ure girls huh??? they give u blow jobs just to get ure attention? is that why ure divorced now? u have no satisfaction? lol So now u speak from ure experience...Am sorry to say .. ure one of those men who are not good in bed i think ... cuz u cant even give ure girl a good lickin thats why u dont get a good blowin lmao!!!!  muscle brain!!! ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by wildheart41004 on Jan 7th, 2006, 7:34pm
I must be weird, because when it comes to oral sex I would rather give to the woman then recieve from her. the idea of satisfying the woman is a very big turn on for me

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by okasantina on Jan 7th, 2006, 7:38pm

on 01/07/06 at 19:34:06, wildheart41004 wrote:
I must be weird, because when it comes to oral sex I would rather give to the woman then recieve from her. the idea of satisfying the woman is a very big turn on for me

That turns me on too wild lol ;D ;D :P

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by astrobloke on Jan 7th, 2006, 11:52pm

on 01/07/06 at 19:32:04, okasantina wrote:
What the hell is wrong with u astro? ::) .......... is that why ure divorced now? .........Am sorry to say .. ure one of those men who are not good in bed i think ....... cuz u cant even give ure girl a good lickin thats .............;D

And what the hell is wrong with you throwing personal insults at me when I make a tongue-in-cheek joke?

You are meant to be a moderator here and you come up with such stuff, and throwing the fact that I am divorced in my face? I thought moderators are usually chosen for their maturity and good judgment.   >:(

P.S. Dont make assumptions about my life, you dont know my skills, or why im divorced and you will never know.

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 8th, 2006, 12:43am
Come now, children....I think this is just a misunderstanding. I know for a fact that BOTH of you are joking when you said those things. So let's kiss and make up, ok? Tina, I'll be the one to kiss Astro, you put on the make up, ok? [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by okasantina on Jan 8th, 2006, 5:22am

on 01/07/06 at 23:52:36, astrobloke wrote:
And what the hell is wrong with you throwing personal insults at me when I make a tongue-in-cheek joke?

You are meant to be a moderator here and you come up with such stuff, and throwing the fact that I am divorced in my face? I thought moderators are usually chosen for their maturity and good judgment.   >:(

P.S. Dont make assumptions about my life, you dont know my skills, or why im divorced and you will never know.

Who insulted first my dear astro? ::) I post here  enough info about something and yet u throw it as a joke? if thats a joke u should put something like LOL or a smiley.  If thats what u called an insult i guess ure just playin guilty .... "I posted here not to fooled anyone about what i share from my experience.  

I am a moderator yes! and my opinions are taken by what i feel is right.  I am here not to tolerate such a discreet word from u.  U did something and thats what u get.  However, i apologize if i misunderstood about the tounge in cheek joke u did to  me.  Then ill give it back to u... :P But what i already throwed cannot be turned back.   I apologize if i touched ure heart from the "insults" as what u think is  ::) i did.

Ok lets go back to our regular programming.  Happy posting  ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by somebody on Jan 8th, 2006, 5:58am

on 01/05/06 at 19:24:44, Wicked_Witch wrote:
I think all men enjoy that.I heard there's a technique on how you can take it "all" in.  And it's ok too if you want to please your man. But I would hate it if the guy cums in my mouth! Ewwww...that's disgusting! Sometimes they already get "wet"  just anticipating the pleasure to come and it's bad enough already. Lol. How to get past it? I don't know, is it possible to?

LMAO ok.  I heard it depends on what he eats..like if he eats sweet foods such as pineapples and other fruits, his cum will taste sweeter.  Regardless, I think it tastes nasty and I don't want anyone doing it in my mouth esp w/out telling me first.  

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by somebody on Jan 8th, 2006, 6:01am

on 01/05/06 at 19:32:49, okasantina wrote:
Yes! all men do enjoy that..especially when they cum on ure mouth lol! why? i dunno maybe it excites them more..imagine when he is with u..and ure about to cum ... the pleasure of cummin while his mouth on ure thang.. imagine that!?? geesh i guess it would be a multiple orgasm lol...same with men...so it doenst matter if he cums to ure mouth...most especially in husband and wives...nothing to bother and say ewwwww... well that s ure prerogrative but the thing is.... u two will be together for the rest of ure lives..so why not try anything under the sun... The mere fact is both of u are happy in what ure doing and ure sex life should be enjoyable u know?  I guess others would take this as really disgusting...but come to think of it?  Make ureself explore about anything especially regarding sex as long as he is ure HUSBAND and not any other men whom u just feel ure horny with...well thats diff thats a very *friendly* personty woman i think.  ;)

LMAO! Ok. If you want to cum in my mouth, at least ask or tell me ahead.  Don't fawking trick me into it.  Ever since I got tricked, I hate giving oral.  And I had no idea cum tasted so bad.  LOL no warning of any kind. The next thing I knew, I tasted something nastyyyyyy in my mouth and I wanted to die!

Ok this is getting really explicit. kekeke but it doesn't matter.  I need to vent about this somewhere.

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by somebody on Jan 8th, 2006, 6:03am

on 01/07/06 at 03:19:27, astrobloke wrote:
Let me add something from a guys perspective.
In my experience very few women are good at giving oral, I mean good enough that the stimulation is intense enough to compare to doing the horizontal "wild thang".
Its more a psychological thing, in that a man wants to be adored and desired, and to get oral is a symbol that she really desires all of him , even more so if she swallows his semen.That is the ultimate.

Q: Why do brides always smile when they are walking down the aisle?
A: Because they know they have given their last blow-job  [smiley=roll.gif]

Guys dont be fooled by Okasantina. Lotsa girls can only bother to give oral when they are wanting to impress you. After marriage its gonna happen a lot less, not more  [smiley=roll.gif]

But it goes the same way w/guys and other things.  They stop romancing you if they no longer have the need to impress you.  They already bought the cow!!

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by somebody on Jan 8th, 2006, 6:05am

on 01/07/06 at 19:34:06, wildheart41004 wrote:
I must be weird, because when it comes to oral sex I would rather give to the woman then recieve from her. the idea of satisfying the woman is a very big turn on for me

I don't know if this is true but I heard white men prefer to give oral more than other men.  I'm sure it's just a generalization or whatever but is there any truth to it?

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by somebody on Jan 8th, 2006, 6:06am

on 01/07/06 at 10:28:23, Wicked_Witch wrote:
I have been married for 25 years and when my hubby was still alive we always enjoy a good sex and were even playful when the mood strikes us. Good sex did not end after the marriage, Astro. Though I never try to swallow anything.

How do you keep things alive after 25 years? LOL

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by astrobloke on Jan 8th, 2006, 8:40am

on 01/08/06 at 06:03:42, somebody wrote:
But it goes the same way w/guys and other things.  They stop romancing you if they no longer have the need to impress you.  They already bought the cow!!

Lol Im sure it does and I like your expression about the cow [smiley=roll.gif]

I made a harmless joke about it and somebody who should know better launched into a nasty personal attack on me,.......but as she said, back to regular programming.

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by astrobloke on Jan 8th, 2006, 8:42am

on 01/08/06 at 06:05:56, somebody wrote:
I don't know if this is true but I heard white men prefer to give oral more than other men.  I'm sure it's just a generalization or whatever but is there any truth to it?

Maybe it needs a poll to decide  ;)
I can only speak for myself in that i absolutely love doing it if the lady is the receptive type to it  ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 8th, 2006, 8:52am
Lol, somebody. When you are with someone you enjoy being with, the relationship always get it's full meaning about love and respect. We maybe not do sex anymore like we used to when we were a lot younger, but when we do, it's in full blast! And that's the exciting part. ;)

As for white men liking it more than the other colors? I disagree. I think it all depends on the man's nature. If he love sex....and he enjoys his partner then I'm sure he would love doing those things. But if he doesn't.....I don't think he can be forced to give oral. Because I always believe that giving oral to someone is because you want to please the person.

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by somebody on Jan 9th, 2006, 7:41am

on 01/08/06 at 08:52:32, Wicked_Witch wrote:
Lol, somebody. When you are with someone you enjoy being with, the relationship always get it's full meaning about love and respect. We maybe not do sex anymore like we used to when we were a lot younger, but when we do, it's in full blast! And that's the exciting part. ;)

As for white men liking it more than the other colors? I disagree. I think it all depends on the man's nature. If he love sex....and he enjoys his partner then I'm sure he would love doing those things. But if he doesn't.....I don't think he can be forced to give oral. Because I always believe that giving oral to someone is because you want to please the person.

Some men are so selfish in bed though.  >:(

I need to be celibate until I want to conceive (lol).  I guess it's different when you're in a relationship with someone who truly loves and respects you and vice versa.  

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by okasantina on Jan 9th, 2006, 10:50am

on 01/08/06 at 08:40:34, astrobloke wrote:
I made a harmless joke about it and somebody who should know better launched into a nasty personal attack on me,.......but as she said, back to regular programming.

Dear Astro...about the plates ive thrown 2 u  ... could u give it back to me? but dont throw it please... ;D lets kiss and make up  :-* :-* Ill make up u...ull kiss me  ;) ok?  ;D :)  Ahhh one more thing.... me need to clarify about the lickin thing...actually im really interested to know if ure absolutely experimental about it?  ::) and to know the ingredients of whats in ure menu eh .... lol  ;D :P

It was so nice chattin w u ... no worries no more platesss....only knives next time  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by astrobloke on Jan 9th, 2006, 3:38pm
Yes folks, for those who have following the drama (as if there isnt enough in AC 1 already ), we have spoken and settled our differences .

A big wet kiss for Oka  :-*   ;D

Lol now isnt this thread about BJ's ? We are gonna hijack the topic here.

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by thebeast on Jan 9th, 2006, 4:42pm
Most black dudes I know hate the idea of giving and recieving oral to or from thier white, black, or asian women.  The reason being is because they dont want to kiss the woman after she does this. They look at it like if they did kiss her it would be like kissing his you know what. And if the black man gave his woman oral it would be like he would be eating some other dudes you know what unless she was a virgin. It is just the idea and the way a black male looks at it I guess. I know this due to locker room talk. I think asian women are like they are willing to do it but they not really enjoy it. White women are the same. Now black women really enjoy giving oral but they will only do it if thier man will do the same to them. I think I read that in Ebony magazine. I think white men for the most part enjoy giving and recieving. Hell...I think white men for the most part invented oral sex. I not sure if thats fact thats just opinion.  It is a real turn on when any woman gives a man oral and she wants to do it and it shows when she is doing it.

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by somebody on Jan 9th, 2006, 8:37pm

on 01/09/06 at 16:42:56, thebeast wrote:
Most black dudes I know hate the idea of giving and recieving oral to or from thier white, black, or asian women.  The reason being is because they dont want to kiss the woman after she does this. They look at it like if they did kiss her it would be like kissing his you know what. And if the black man gave his woman oral it would be like he would be eating some other dudes you know what unless she was a virgin. It is just the idea and the way a black male looks at it I guess. I know this due to locker room talk. I think asian women are like they are willing to do it but they not really enjoy it. White women are the same. Now black women really enjoy giving oral but they will only do it if thier man will do the same to them. I think I read that in Ebony magazine. I think white men for the most part enjoy giving and recieving. Hell...I think white men for the most part invented oral sex. I not sure if thats fact thats just opinion.  It is a real turn on when any woman gives a man oral and she wants to do it and it shows when she is doing it.

Yeah I've heard that most black guys absolutely hate giving oral.  

LMAO I don't think white men invented oral.  ::)

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by astrobloke on Jan 9th, 2006, 11:24pm

on 01/09/06 at 16:42:56, thebeast wrote:
  It is a real turn on when any woman gives a man oral and she wants to do it and it shows when she is doing it.

I agree there 100% and enthusiasm makes all the difference. On the other hand if my lover isnt enjoying it and I know shes doing just because she feels "obligated" I would rather she not bother.

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by okasantina on Jan 10th, 2006, 6:47am
I heard from a friend that semen is a good exfoliant lol.  My girlfriends also used to talk about it..and its working they said.  So i explained it to my other friend of mine knowing that she has some acne on her face ... lol.  Then one time her boyfriend wanted her to go down on him.  After giving him some oral action, she ran immediately to the kitchen and spit the "exfoliant" into a cup. When her boyfriend left, she hurriedly put it on her face. ;D [smiley=sla.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Gracia on Jan 12th, 2006, 8:48am

When her boyfriend left, she hurriedly put it on her face.  

Jeeze tinatins, why u just said it now, u can save my conversion leave if you have said that earlier....but on second thought....i trust derm clinic more though its kinda painful but it's not yucky.. ::)LOL

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 13th, 2006, 3:22am
If that's her only purpose in having sex I don't think she needs a boyfriend. Heck..I know of one sperm donor who would be happy to service her! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Gracia on Jan 13th, 2006, 5:28am

I know of one sperm donor who would be happy to service her!    

Witchy...are we talking looky's generosity here???LOL

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by okasantina on Jan 14th, 2006, 9:56am

on 01/12/06 at 08:48:33, Gracia wrote:
Jeeze tinatins, why u just said it now, u can save my conversion leave if you have said that earlier....but on second thought....i trust derm clinic more though its kinda painful but it's not yucky.. ::)LOL

LMAO gracia dear...u just better trust ure dermatologist...or else ull get to use of wanting more of it eh...(the cumz) lmao!  ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by okasantina on Jan 14th, 2006, 9:58am

on 01/13/06 at 03:22:16, Wicked_Witch wrote:
If that's her only purpose in having sex I don't think she needs a boyfriend. Heck..I know of one sperm donor who would be happy to service her! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

Lol witchy dear ... i know one more guy too who collects one...its always in the freezer eh  ;D  not only timo but joel too..lmao! ;D ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by okasantina on Jan 14th, 2006, 10:00am

on 01/09/06 at 23:24:20, astrobloke wrote:
I agree there 100% and enthusiasm makes all the difference. On the other hand if my lover isnt enjoying it and I know shes doing just because she feels "obligated" I would rather she not bother.

How can u sure astro dear... ::) and how would u know if she is just obligated in what she is doin to you eh?  ::) ;)

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by astrobloke on Jan 14th, 2006, 5:17pm

on 01/14/06 at 10:00:55, okasantina wrote:
How can u sure astro dear... ::) and how would u know if she is just obligated in what she is doin to you eh?  ::) ;)

Its very easy to tell if her heart is in it, very easy indeed.
Is she doing it with enthusiasm and really wanting to please, or just doing the motions?
It a bit like Chers song "if you wanna know if he loves you so.... its in his kiss"  ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by okasantina on Jan 14th, 2006, 6:37pm

on 01/14/06 at 17:17:01, astrobloke wrote:
Its very easy to tell if her heart is in it, very easy indeed.
Is she doing it with enthusiasm and really wanting to please, or just doing the motions?
It a bit like Chers song "if you wanna know if he loves you so.... its in his kiss"  ;D

Hmmm ic...well i know some ways how to know if she is just obligated eh... ::) One is....if she sigh first b4 she do the oral thang...lol ;D Two is...she dont know how to touch the thang....i mean she just dont feel like touching it...lol  ;D Three.... She touches it w two fingers only lol  ;D Four....She dont lick too much while she stroking it...lol  ;D  Five....she murmers..."Ulk", " Ew" and "Argh" lol  ;D  And i think last is....If she does it 1 min approximately .... lmao!  [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by somebody on Jan 16th, 2006, 7:44am

on 01/14/06 at 17:17:01, astrobloke wrote:
Its very easy to tell if her heart is in it, very easy indeed.
Is she doing it with enthusiasm and really wanting to please, or just doing the motions?
It a bit like Chers song "if you wanna know if he loves you so.... its in his kiss"  ;D

Sometimes ppl are good at pretending.

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 16th, 2006, 8:46am

Witchy...are we talking looky's generosity hereHuh???LOL

Right on the head, Gracia. Lol.

Sometimes ppl are good at pretending

Are we talking of fake orgasms here, somebody? Hehehe! Dang I am getting good at this "quote" thing. Thanks for teaching me, Norkie :D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by thebeast on Jan 16th, 2006, 10:41pm

on 01/16/06 at 07:44:36, somebody wrote:
Sometimes ppl are good at pretending.

Its easy to tell if someone is enjoying themselves or not.

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by somebody on Jan 24th, 2006, 6:47am

on 01/16/06 at 22:41:12, thebeast wrote:
Its easy to tell if someone is enjoying themselves or not.

How so?

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by okasantina on Jan 24th, 2006, 7:30pm

on 01/16/06 at 22:41:12, thebeast wrote:
Its easy to tell if someone is enjoying themselves or not.

Is that what u usually do Joel? ::) Tell me how plz ;D :P

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Keith on Jan 25th, 2006, 1:50am
Ladies, before you perform oral sex on your guy, make sure he eats lots of ice cream or anything sweet before hand, it will definitely improve the nasty taste you hate so much....lol

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Nathy on Jan 25th, 2006, 3:56pm
Posted by: somebody Posted on: Jan 5th, 2006, 5:49am
KEKEKEK I can't believe I'm posting this but oh well, I'm "somebodyyoudunno"...lol So I guess I shouldn't feel embarrassed. Plus I don't have the bawls to talk about this IRL.  

My first experience giving a guy oral sex was awful. We were hanging out when he asked me to and I was hesitant but I did it anyway and it was nothing like what I expected.  He kept my head down longer than I wanted (I almost choked to death!) and on top of that, he you know what in my mouth w/out telling me that he was coming! I had no idea what to expect..I didn't know how awful C tasted.  I quickly ran to the bathroom and spit it out.  Ever since then, I've been kinda traumatized at the thought of giving guys oral.  I know that guys love oral and I'm more than willing to do it but I'm still traumatized by that experience.  How do I get past this? I get mad everytime someone wants oral.  

I was amazed also dear for this posting.....  [smiley=oops.gif]

But nahhh....it is a cute topic also ....lololololol....

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by thebeast on Jan 25th, 2006, 10:10pm

on 01/24/06 at 06:47:01, somebody wrote:
How so?

Look are you all telling me you cant tell if someone is not enjoying themselves or not. Someone who enjoys something is very motivated to do whatever it is and it shows. Sex, money, it doesnt matter what that something is. They do it with more enthusiasim than someone who isnt enjoying themselves.  Someone who is motivated due to enjoyment also does whatever they are doing a lot better than someone who isnt.  Its like how I am with  painting the fence....painting of any kind is not one of my most favorite things to do...example...I wake up early highly motivated to paint the fence...about 20 minutes into painting the fence I have lost all the motivation and start to think this sucks..so what do I do...I hurry up and try to get it over with as quickly as possible and it shows in all the expressions of my face I would imagine..and then what happens...it turns out not to look as good as what it would look if a professional had done it. Also you can look at porn stars...now I have never watched a porn movie in its entirety..I have glanced at a few at some bachelor parties I have been to but they have really never interested me. But porn stars are different..they are professionals and plus they are getting paid to do what the do..money is the prime motivation there and plus they look at it like they are getting paid to have sex. I watched a few stars of the porn world be interviewed on HBO and they explained all of it. How a blow job will pay this much and how anal sex pays so much more. There was even a straight guy who does gay movies. And why would a straight guy do gay movies? Well because gay males make the most money in all the porn industry. So you see there is motivation there but its not to please thier partner but for money. I would imagine the women in porn are good at what they do(especially at giving oral sex to a man...but you can still tell that these women are getting paid to do what they do...Do you think they would be that motivated if they were not getting paid??? ;D So you see in real relatioships I would think it be very difficult for either one to pretend they are enjoying.

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by thebeast on Jan 25th, 2006, 10:27pm

on 01/24/06 at 19:30:31, okasantina wrote:
Is that what u usually do Joel? ::) Tell me how plz ;D :P

How to be motivated to do something they enjoy? Well if I have to explain to anyone how to enjoy themselves then they probably dont enjoy it. If you enjoy it you will be motivated to do it and whoever is watching you will see it not only in your actions but in your eyes and expressions on your face. I am no expert.  This is just my opinion. I just think I could tell. Maybe I am wrong but I dont think so. I also think it would be easier to tell with someone you have been with over a long period of time rather a one night stand kind of thing. But if any guy is lucky enough to get a one night stand with a woman whom he wants..he isnt gonna really be disapointed if she doesnt give him oral or she wont let him give her oral. He might try but what is he gonna do if she says no? I not think he gonna say "Well okay then I not want you no more" LOL   I dont know why anyone would want to pretend they are enjoying themselves in the first place.  ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 26th, 2006, 2:42pm

I dont know why anyone would want to pretend they are enjoying themselves in the first place.

Dang, here I am again. This witch is so persistent, eh? ;DAgain, are we talking of fake orgasm here? ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by thebeast on Jan 28th, 2006, 12:27am

on 01/26/06 at 14:42:15, Wicked_Witch wrote:

Dang, here I am again. This witch is so persistent, eh? ;DAgain, are we talking of fake orgasm here? ;D

I thought we were discussing women pretending to enjoy themselves while giving oral sex?

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 29th, 2006, 4:45am
Well, the partner would like to see you get an orgasm so they will believe the woman is enjoying it?

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by okasantina on Jan 31st, 2006, 6:03pm
Ull know if she is not pretending if she shivers like she is dying lol  ::)

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Feb 1st, 2006, 6:30am

on 01/31/06 at 18:03:13, okasantina wrote:
Ull know if she is not pretending if she shivers like she is dying lol  ::)

How about gasping for breath, Tinz? ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by okasantina on Feb 1st, 2006, 11:06am

on 02/01/06 at 06:30:39, Wicked_Witch wrote:
How about gasping for breath, Tinz? ;D

Well i guess thats a scary thing witchy dear...better call a doctor if that happens lmao! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by mixin4livin on Feb 5th, 2006, 5:04am
Yup it would be great if a female does it to me  ;D


Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Feb 5th, 2006, 7:24am

on 02/05/06 at 05:04:12, mixin4livin wrote:
Yup it would be great if a female does it to me  ;D


You want a banana, too RJ? Why didn't you say it right away? I would have give you loads of them! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]


Well i guess thats a scary thing witchy dear...better call a doctor if that happens lmao!     [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

Don't worry, Tinz. I always have paramedics standing by everytime! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by mixin4livin on Feb 5th, 2006, 3:37pm
Witchy it was just an egsample- Banana, Wish I could display my thingy, if I did so the Refferee would be displayed on my posting for sure lol On ya Knees Witchy hahah

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Feb 6th, 2006, 8:56am
I'll be after your ass, RJ, that's for sure! Hehehehe! ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by mixin4livin on Feb 8th, 2006, 2:41pm

on 02/06/06 at 08:56:08, Wicked_Witch wrote:
I'll be after your ass, RJ, that's for sure! Hehehehe! ;D

I can turn around for the thread sake  ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Feb 13th, 2006, 1:51am

;DI can turn around for the thread sake

You will use the banana thru the "backdoor"? [smiley=omfg.gif] [smiley=omfg.gif] [smiley=omfg.gif]

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by mixin4livin on Feb 16th, 2006, 12:56am

on 02/13/06 at 01:51:25, Wicked_Witch wrote:
You will use the banana thru the "backdoor"? [smiley=omfg.gif] [smiley=omfg.gif] [smiley=omfg.gif]

That's the way..aha aha.. I like it..  [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif]

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by kim on Feb 24th, 2006, 12:47pm
ok first of all.. since i havent been in the forum for a long while i have not done my duties as the moderator of this area of experties i would like to thank witchy for keeping the threads interesting   :-*

I'm having a headache just trying to catch up with everything.  But the post that i liked best was when gracy said...

and so is fish....i prefer meat than fish..so i guess..i have lotsa stock of protein in my body Grin.... and ....
Witchy...are we talking looky's generosity hereHuhLOL....

I know looky is a very givig person  ;D

I have a headache already so i cant elaborate much now so if yo want a more thorough explanation i'll do in next time.. But trust me when i say that IT IS NOT EASY TO KNOW IF A WOMAN IS FAKING IT... I KNOW COZ I'VE FOOLED  SEVERAL MEN ALREADY  ;D

ok about the oral thig... I dont blame you girls if you think that i stinks and it taste bad. THe smell doesnt change i think but the taste does..... I was sooo amazed when i found this out. How did i found out? Well the first time i attempted to swallow it it felt sooo awfull and tasted jsut as worst.. felt like swallowing a two spoonfull of phlegm... So i swore to myself never to do it again. But with my last bf it was different. I had no plans of swalowing it but i was caught off guard. It was a funny thing actually coz i was giving him a head in his office i allowed him to cum in my mouth so as not to mess up the office. I planned to spit it out in the toilet afterwards but just right after he squirted in my mouth his damn secretary knocked!!!  ;D ;D ;D... I had nothing else to do but swallow... ANd then after i did swallow i realized that is pimp juice didnt taste bad at all!!! I SWEAR!!! It kinda tasted sweet  ;D ;D... So i guess the taste varies depending on the person.

ANd the comment about the "eat sweet stuffs before giving a head" does not work at all. Because if you treat your taste buds to sweet things it will only numb the taste buds responsible for the sweet taste so if you do hat you will only eliminate all traces of the sweet taste of the pimp juice.. Dang i feel like talking about some juice that you can buy in the grocery  ;D

And yes no woman should be forced into giving a man head. And mind you guy... pls dont hove out head so gag on your dickydoodles pls.. .we dont like that... we're not sword swallowers  ;D....

In my opinion, knowing that most men love a good head, we as partners should atleast try and pleasure our partners it this way so that they wont go asking for a head to the next gal that comes his way  ;)...

And this being said i also expect my man to do his part on the "oral deparment"  ;D ;)

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by somebody on Feb 25th, 2006, 9:18am
For men, I think it is all mental/psychological.  They do not necessarily need the oral sex...but for a lot of us women, it is mandatory because we tend to need foreplay before we can enjoy vaginal sex.  

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by somebody on Feb 25th, 2006, 9:21am

on 01/31/06 at 18:03:13, okasantina wrote:
Ull know if she is not pretending if she shivers like she is dying lol  ::)

HAHAHAHAHAH.  Hey, not everyone has an O the same way.

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by kim on Feb 25th, 2006, 1:11pm

on 02/25/06 at 09:18:50, somebody wrote:
For men, I think it is all mental/psychological.  They do not necessarily need the oral sex...but for a lot of us women, it is mandatory because we tend to need foreplay before we can enjoy vaginal sex.  

IT may be true that its more of a mental thing but i look at it as a starter. To put the guy in the mood. Because in some cases men dont want the actuall penetration. They sometimes prefer oral alone. MY exbf n i used to do that from time to time. He's do it to me first till i reach an orgasm n then i'd do it to him till he squirts.

On your second comment i agree with you totaly. In my personal experience it will be very hard to reach climax if there was no oral before the actual penetration.

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by somebody on Mar 7th, 2006, 3:18am

on 02/25/06 at 13:11:39, kim wrote:
IT may be true that its more of a mental thing but i look at it as a starter. To put the guy in the mood. Because in some cases men dont want the actuall penetration. They sometimes prefer oral alone. MY exbf n i used to do that from time to time. He's do it to me first till i reach an orgasm n then i'd do it to him till he squirts.

On your second comment i agree with you totaly. In my personal experience it will be very hard to reach climax if there was no oral before the actual penetration.

I hate men who like oral sex more than vaginal sex.   >:(

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by feso on Mar 7th, 2006, 5:55am
u know i heard the "pimp juice" varies in taste according to what the guy drinks and stuff............now supposedly........if a guy drinks alot of pine apple juice its gonna taste great..........my x girlfriend never complained about the taste but i made sure she didnt bust out some swallowing action............jus the idea of that is somehow..........i dont know if it was jus another chickk eh i wouldnt of minded but later on imma see her again wondering about my boys are runnin through the digestive system which brings me to another thing i heard which i dont know whether its true or not......................supposedly its indigestible.............anyone ever heard of this?

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by kim on Mar 7th, 2006, 10:07am
it is easily digested and it is actually a good source of protine but as mam agracia has pointed out.. there are other sources of protin that tastes a lot better  ;D...

But it is true that the taste varies. Just not sure if it has a lot to do with what the guy eats...

If the girl doesnt like to swallow then dont force her guy!!  ;D

And ladies dont force yourse;f if you really dont like it too.. Spitting is not a crime but so is swallowing  ;D ;D ;)

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by somebody on Mar 7th, 2006, 8:29pm

on 03/07/06 at 10:07:19, kim wrote:
it is easily digested and it is actually a good source of protine but as mam agracia has pointed out.. there are other sources of protin that tastes a lot better  ;D...

But it is true that the taste varies. Just not sure if it has a lot to do with what the guy eats...

If the girl doesnt like to swallow then dont force her guy!!  ;D

And ladies dont force yourse;f if you really dont like it too.. Spitting is not a crime but so is swallowing  ;D ;D ;)

lol i don't care how healthy it is...i don't care if it'll turn to gold....it tastes freaking gross and i don't want any cum in my mouth period..now if he's willing to snowball, i'd let him   ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by feso on Mar 8th, 2006, 1:41am
WTF!!?!?!?!?!? A SNOWBALL!!?!?!?..................LMAO LMAO AHH HELL NAH........LMAO

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by somebody on Mar 8th, 2006, 2:26am
If you expect someone to take yours, why can't you do it yourself too? it's only fair  ;D

Snowballing or semen swapping is a human sexual practice in which one person takes into their mouth the semen of another person, and then 'swaps' it back and forth with another person through kissing or spitting

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Matthew on Mar 8th, 2006, 3:41am
EWWWWW...u asian girls are too wild......I never ask a woman for oral but i love to give it to women

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by feso on Mar 8th, 2006, 5:38am

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by somebody on Mar 10th, 2006, 12:34am

on 03/08/06 at 03:41:00, Matthew wrote:
EWWWWW...u asian girls are too wild......I never ask a woman for oral but i love to give it to women

innocent and sweet on the outside though  ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by somebody on Mar 10th, 2006, 12:35am

on 03/08/06 at 05:38:02, feso wrote:

tasting a woman's juice is not equivalent to tasting cum  :-X

im ready to barf talking bout this

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by kim on Mar 10th, 2006, 5:28am

on 03/10/06 at 00:35:42, somebody wrote:

tasting a woman's juice is not equivalent to tasting cum  :-X

im ready to barf talking bout this

Dang girl you really must hate the pimp juice huh?  ;D
Just remember to always remind your guy not tp squirt in your mouth  ;D ;D.. And if he keeps on doing it. Let him taste it himself so that he'll know how it tastes...

Just like that scene in "Sex and the city" hehehe ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Matthew on Mar 10th, 2006, 5:40am
so many thoughts
[smiley=thinking2.gif].....they should start a thread about giving to the women....
[smiley=frog.gif]...who knows it might get interesting...
Maybe women deserve a little APPRECIATION every now and again....
After so many years of women giving being the norm [smiley=sla.gif] maybe the tables ought to turn and us men start supporting our ladies a little more... [smiley=crazysmile.gif]

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by kim on Mar 10th, 2006, 7:12am
ok your wish is granted matthew ;)

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by somebody on Mar 10th, 2006, 11:46pm

on 03/10/06 at 05:28:45, kim wrote:
Dang girl you really must hate the pimp juice huh?  ;D
Just remember to always remind your guy not tp squirt in your mouth  ;D ;D.. And if he keeps on doing it. Let him taste it himself so that he'll know how it tastes...

Just like that scene in "Sex and the city" hehehe ;D ;D ;D

Nope..this girl doesn't do it anymore.   ;D  Maybe I just don't love him enough.  ;D  Maybe I am not in love anymore and when I am not in love anymore, I have a hard time being intimate even if it's just oral.

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by mixin4livin on Mar 11th, 2006, 1:05pm

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by mixin4livin on Mar 11th, 2006, 1:14pm
Priceless blowjobbb!


Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by somebody on Mar 12th, 2006, 12:30am
HAHAHAHAH OMG! those videos are hilarious esp the second one

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Matthew on Mar 12th, 2006, 1:10am
That shit is so funny

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by feso on Mar 12th, 2006, 1:43am
damn.............im not askin for a hand job like that................geez.........it sounded painful.........my hips clutched my area at the sound of that

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by kim on Mar 13th, 2006, 9:48am
any body want some ketchup?  ;D

I got mastercard too... Can i buy some ketchup with it?  ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by feso on Mar 13th, 2006, 4:57pm
uuhhh.............hey kim.............................. u want some.........ketchup?  ;)

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by kim on Mar 14th, 2006, 7:53am

on 03/13/06 at 16:57:22, feso wrote:
uuhhh.............hey kim.............................. u want some.........ketchup?  ;)

Sure thing feso... Wait lemme get my master card ready  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by mixin4livin on Mar 14th, 2006, 1:34pm
LMAO imagine how it hurts to feel that Ketchup bottle hahaha eeeww. Guys remember not to give those dumb egsamples to women LOL .. If I had to tell Witchy to feel the chicken drum stick for sure she's gonna chew it haha :D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Mar 15th, 2006, 3:02am

on 03/14/06 at 13:34:45, mixin4livin wrote:
LMAO imagine how it hurts to feel that Ketchup bottle hahaha eeeww. Guys remember not to give those dumb egsamples to women LOL .. If I had to tell Witchy to feel the chicken drum stick for sure she's gonna chew it haha :D

You couldn't resist mentioning me, eh? I knew u were crazy about me! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]Not just chew it, I will make an adobo out of it!

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by mixin4livin on Mar 15th, 2006, 9:31am

on 03/15/06 at 03:02:46, Wicked_Witch wrote:
You couldn't resist mentioning me, eh? I knew u were crazy about me! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]Not just chew it, I will make an adobo out of it!

Someone give her a good pair of spectacles please ;D I was looking at your daughter the other day not u lol  ;)

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by kim on Mar 15th, 2006, 11:53am
aaahhh but RJ ya gotta pass the mom's standards before you reach the daughty  ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Matthew on Mar 15th, 2006, 6:29pm

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by kim on Mar 16th, 2006, 7:52am

on 03/15/06 at 18:29:24, Matthew wrote:

Matthew you're bored? Want some oral?  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by feso on Mar 21st, 2006, 6:15am
:o kimmy!!!!!!..................................damn thats hot!!!!! u better not expect a no from matt.................damn that question is hot!!!!

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by kim on Mar 21st, 2006, 9:23am
feso  ;D ;D ;D ya want one too baby?  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by feso on Mar 21st, 2006, 4:58pm
:o so hot!!!!!!

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Mar 22nd, 2006, 3:29am
Kimmy meant oral READING, guys! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by zed_lui on Mar 22nd, 2006, 11:16am
Giving oral is ok as long as it pleasures u both and not just because i wanted to.Same as when i lick ..lol..i do because she likes it and it turns me on too when she moans.

Now Wicked_witch i posted somewhere else as u hoped.I read ur welcome greeting for me.Thank u  ;)

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Mar 23rd, 2006, 9:38am
awwww....thanks, zed...i just want to get to know you more and i can only do that when i read your thoughts on a variety of topics ;) and you are welcome.

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by feso on Mar 26th, 2006, 6:54pm
hey hey welcome zed.....yah i fully agree with zed....its true.....now i gotta a question.........do u give oral cause u want oral in return?.....with my previous relationship i gave my ex oral but i didnt really expect her to give me oral.....in fact i even said no a few times....why?.....puh cause im an idiot.....and i found that whenever i said no it jus made her wanna do it even more until one day she gave me an "oral readind" as edith says, of a lifetime......i think people from a block away heard my moans

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Mar 30th, 2006, 5:26am
Humnnn...actually, when I give oral, it's coz i want him to get more excited and not because i want the same from him. It turns me on when i hear the guy moaning and writhing as i do my "thing" ;). And sometimes too, I am not in the mood to receive it.... :P

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by feso on Mar 31st, 2006, 6:13am
wow.............edith............ :o.........so hot!!!!!

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Apr 1st, 2006, 4:31am
Hehehehe! Surprise...surprise, eh? ;)

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by feso on Apr 3rd, 2006, 6:43am
i know whatcha mean though edith when u say that cause ive done that before........like it was spontaneous too and i think since it was spontaneous......she loved it....like it suddenly excited her and at the end i seriously didnt feel like recieving cause.....well im not gonna lie its not that i didnt feel like recieving its jus that i was in one of those giving moods but i think tellin her that she didnt have to return the favor made her wanna do it even more...

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Apr 4th, 2006, 6:23pm
humnnn....so it's a trick on ur part to encourage her? :P

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by feso on Apr 5th, 2006, 5:23am
nah no trix..........trix are for kids

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by kim on Apr 6th, 2006, 8:54am
Matthew and Feso.... As mama witchy said... I am giving a free ORAL.... oral reading  ;D ;D ;D.... I'm reading harry potter next time so if ya wanna join n listen to me moan....or i mean... narate ;D ;D ;D..... just take a number and wait in line ;D ;D ;D

I agree with mama witchy on giving oral coz we want to pleasure.... To see my man enjoy and to hear him moan to what i'm doingis enough reward sometimes..... And you know thats one other alternative if the otehr person is not in the mood for penetration. I used to live with my ex before and when he comes home all howny and i'm not in the mood to receive anything i just let him lay on the bed and i give him oral.... I also like it when he tells me what to do and how to do it coz i know that by doing this i learn how to do it right for him coz not all men prefer the same thing.... I just gobble on the dong and if he likes it i keep doing it and if he want to giude me then he is most welcome to do so...... Just dont make me do the sword swallowing trick coz i cant gag on the dingaling or it will make me throw up ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by CooCHie on Apr 7th, 2006, 8:21am
;D ;D ;DAre we talking about oral test here...lol

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Apr 8th, 2006, 5:16am
Kimmy doter, only "deep throater" can do that. Do you know that they say there is a trick on how to do that? They said you gotta stop breathing so you can take it "all in" ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by feso on Apr 8th, 2006, 6:05pm
:o :o :o :o.........OK I GOTTA GO NOW...................DAMN THIS IS HOT!!!!

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Fugi on Apr 9th, 2006, 12:53am
not intending to try that in a life-time  [smiley=roll.gif]

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Apr 9th, 2006, 7:21am
Oppss....i did not mean "stop breathing"...I meant just holding the breath while giving oral  :P

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by lou_la_lou on Aug 27th, 2006, 9:54pm
::) ohh boy ... i think both should do oral cus its one of the best ways to get your wife to the point of no return  ;D or i should say girlfriend to :p  i love doing it  ;) to my woman that is lol :P

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 28th, 2006, 8:04am
What's the meaning of "oral sex" again?  ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by CeL on Aug 30th, 2006, 4:31pm
im taking down notes hehehehe  ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by RJ on Dec 1st, 2006, 10:10am

on 08/28/06 at 08:04:33, Wicked_Witch wrote:
What's the meaning of "oral sex" again?  ;D

U Open Mouth And I Put In lol.. 15 Minuites Of Shakin'.. Toothpaste Ready To Swallow lol

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by bad_day_me on Dec 2nd, 2006, 10:10am
<U Open Mouth And I Put In lol.. 15 Minuites Of Shakin'.. Toothpaste Ready To Swallow lol>

so that was oral sex....puttin the thinggy in yer mouth,shake it and wait for the toothpaste to come out....!!! what was that......i need explanation......

                                 [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Dec 5th, 2006, 5:14am
Hahahaha! I didn't know you can shake toothpaste like u do with listerine? ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Fallen on Dec 14th, 2006, 8:34am
Oral B the toothpaste  ??? ???

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Fallen on Dec 14th, 2006, 8:34am
Ahhhhhhh its not toothpaste Oral B its a toothbrush soweeeeeeeeee :) :) :) :) :)

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Feb 3rd, 2007, 7:57am
Actually it all depends on who I am giving it to. If it's a guy I am in love with, sure,anything to make him happy and get him excited. ;)

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by bad_day_me on Feb 6th, 2007, 3:15pm
;D ;D ;D

......oral sex (fellatio)....give it to someone u love not to everyone...

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by kim on Mar 23rd, 2007, 6:24pm
momma I've tried that deep throat thingy before and i really didn't like it  :o it makes me want to puke and my eyes are all teary  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by okasantina on Mar 24th, 2007, 11:24am

on 03/23/07 at 18:24:12, kim wrote:
momma I've tried that deep throat thingy before and i really didn't like it  :o it makes me want to puke and my eyes are all teary  ;D ;D

You`ll get used to it as soon as u have 10 years of relationship with him...by that time..ull want it and you`ll be asking for it ;) believe me! lol

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Aftr_it on Apr 1st, 2007, 6:03am

on 03/23/07 at 18:24:12, kim wrote:
momma I've tried that deep throat thingy before and i really didn't like it  :o it makes me want to puke and my eyes are all teary  ;D ;D

LOL Kimmy ya gotta find guys with smaller appendages then again I suppose more than a mouthful is wasted lol. One of my mares once said you know a good headjob from a bad one when the sheets of the bed get sucked up through the cheeks of your arse :D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by kim on Apr 25th, 2007, 7:24pm

on 03/24/07 at 11:24:52, okasantina wrote:
You`ll get used to it as soon as u have 10 years of relationship with him...by that time..ull want it and you`ll be asking for it ;) believe me! lol

Dang tina so I guess I'd have to find someone to practice on huh? know anyone who's willing?  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by kim on Apr 25th, 2007, 7:28pm

on 04/01/07 at 06:03:10, Aftr_it wrote:
LOL Kimmy ya gotta find guys with smaller appendages then again I suppose more than a mouthful is wasted lol. One of my mares once said you know a good headjob from a bad one when the sheets of the bed get sucked up through the cheeks of your arse :D

you're right about that graeme.... if i cant stuff it all in my mouth, chances are i won't be able to stuff it all in my other mouth as well  ;D ;D

In my own experience, I can tell if the guy is enjoying the oral if his toes are curling, his legs are stiffing, his butt is raising and his balls are tightening  ;D ;D

You can confirm or deny guys  :P

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 24th, 2007, 4:49am

on 04/25/07 at 19:28:17, kim wrote:
you're right about that graeme.... if i cant stuff it all in my mouth, chances are i won't be able to stuff it all in my other mouth as well  ;D ;D

In my own experience, I can tell if the guy is enjoying the oral if his toes are curling, his legs are stiffing, his butt is raising and his balls are tightening  ;D ;D

You can confirm or deny guys  :P

Humnn...how about if the guy keeps pressing my head down? or making incoherent sounds? Nyahahaha!

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by kim on Aug 24th, 2007, 8:18am

on 08/24/07 at 04:49:20, Wicked_Witch wrote:
Humnn...how about if the guy keeps pressing my head down? or making incoherent sounds? Nyahahaha!

aaaarrggg... i hate it when the guy does that... it chokes the air out of me  ;D... but i'm ok with the incoherent sounds.... i actually love it  :P ;)

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 28th, 2007, 11:03am
Hahaha! I think I am going to tie him into the bedpost first before I go down on him. That way he will not be able to do anything but just enjoy the play.  ;)

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by CeL on Aug 29th, 2007, 4:38pm
someone told me it will turn him on more if the girl will let him spit it inside her mouth  ;D ;D ;D but and more buttssssss here's a tip so the girl wont be gagah having all the liquid in her mouth is to make him squirt inside on the 3rd continuous round...when the juice wont be so sticky and yuckie but more liquified hehehehe

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by CeL on Aug 29th, 2007, 4:41pm
question is...can the girl still have the energy for such hardwork on the 3rd round  ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 30th, 2007, 8:39am

on 08/29/07 at 16:38:56, CeL wrote:
someone told me it will turn him on more if the girl will let him spit it inside her mouth  ;D ;D ;D but and more buttssssss here's a tip so the girl wont be gagah having all the liquid in her mouth is to make him squirt inside on the 3rd continuous round...when the juice wont be so sticky and yuckie but more liquified hehehehe

My God, manay...this is the first time I have heard of that. Ewwww!! I don't think I can have any one do that to me.

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by CeL on Aug 30th, 2007, 11:12am

on 08/30/07 at 08:39:26, Wicked_Witch wrote:
My God, manay...this is the first time I have heard of that. Ewwww!! I don't think I can have any one do that to me.

[smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]i thot nothing scares u much anymore manay!!!

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by kim on Aug 30th, 2007, 12:21pm
weeeeeellll.... thats a good advice cel coz in teh 3rd round theres almost nothin comming out  ;D ;D ;D....

Heck i've tried almost everything.... (not going into detaild  ;D ;) ) But i really don't like to swallow  :D ;D ;)

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by ReeBop on Aug 30th, 2007, 8:38pm
Any man that posts to this thread is in real trouble.

Oh oh....

[smiley=firejump.gif] [smiley=firejump.gif] [smiley=firejump.gif] [smiley=eyesanim.gif] [smiley=eyesanim.gif]

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 31st, 2007, 11:00am
At least you are loosing up a little, Ree. [smiley=crazysmile.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif]

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by ReeBop on Aug 31st, 2007, 5:20pm
If I get too loosened up, I may hurt something...

[smiley=eyesanim.gif] [smiley=eyesanim.gif]

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Gracia on Aug 31st, 2007, 6:16pm
Reebeaux...stick to the topic! Nyahahaha!

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by ReeBop on Aug 31st, 2007, 6:24pm
Just as long as the topic doesn't stick to me!


Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Gracia on Sep 1st, 2007, 3:42am
Awww Reebeaux, since you're the only guy that is active in here so far, hmmmm, i won't be surprise if the ladies will stick on you...but then, you can always hide when Witchy is in her best moods you know, play safe that is. Nyahahaha

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by CeL on Sep 1st, 2007, 1:22pm

on 08/31/07 at 17:20:48, ReeBop wrote:
If I get too loosened up, I may hurt something..

hurt which one  [smiley=hamster.gif] [smiley=lat2.gif] [smiley=computer.gif]

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by CeL on Sep 1st, 2007, 1:33pm
[quote author=ReeBop link=board=sex;num=1136432950;start=140#140 date=08/31/07 at 18:24:00]Just as long as the topic doesn't stick to me! [quote]

hhmmm.....Bopbop, when and how was the best bj u ever had  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Gracia on Sep 4th, 2007, 3:43am

on 09/01/07 at 13:33:55, CeL wrote:
Just as long as the topic doesn't stick to me! hhmmm.....Bopbop, when and how was the best bj u ever had  ;D ;D ;D

[smiley=omfg.gif] Oh boi, Pakner...Ree 's not on the hot seat u know.  [smiley=crazysmile.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif]

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by CeL on Sep 4th, 2007, 10:23am

on 09/04/07 at 03:43:56, Gracia wrote:
[smiley=omfg.gif] Oh boi, Pakner...Ree 's not on the hot seat u know.  [smiley=crazysmile.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif]

what a very good suggestion Pakner [smiley=icon_super.gif] if i may suggest to the Hot Seat moderators to put Reebop on the hotseat pls  [smiley=idea2.gif]  [smiley=woot.gif] [smiley=woot.gif] [smiley=woot.gif]

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by dOnUtz 9urL on Sep 4th, 2007, 1:23pm
good idea cel  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Gracia on Sep 6th, 2007, 6:40am

on 09/04/07 at 13:23:16, dOnUtz 9urL wrote:
good idea cel  ;D  ;D

I second to that Partner.

[smiley=eyesanim.gif] Paging Witchy[smiley=eyesanim.gif] Paging Witchy[smiley=eyesanim.gif]Paging Withcy....can we request Ree to sit on the hot seat [smiley=mage.gif] [smiley=mage.gif]..

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by CeL on Sep 6th, 2007, 11:49am
the demand is roaring Reebopbop...so get ur butt ready to be fired on  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Giving men oral
Post by Wicked_Witch on Sep 11th, 2007, 3:02am
I am right here, ladies.  ;D ;D ;D I'll work on it right away. But since we still have someone else on the hotseat...we'll feature Ree 3 weeks from now. That should give him enough time to abandon ship or be quartered.  [smiley=crazysmile.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif]

Yeah, why haven't I thought of that? I think it's about time we find out more about one of the most eligible men here online.

You are going to be in trouble, Mr. Admin. Nyahahaha! I told you, trouble is my middle name. You should not have associated yourself with a witch-turned-pirate old woman, Ree. [smiley=crazysmile.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif]

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