Title: Sex After Birth??? Post by okasantina on Aug 1st, 2006, 5:33pm Is it true that after birth women usually decreases their libidos regarding sex?? How and why? Is it from first born, 2nd born...or up to the last?? Does men noticed it? Post awayyyy ;D |
Title: Re: Sex After Birth??? Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 2nd, 2006, 9:52am It has to be at least 2 months after giving birth for normal deliveries, tinatinz. I don't think it decreases the libidos though. It has always been normal for me and my hubby in the past. |
Title: Re: Sex After Birth??? Post by Gracia on Aug 16th, 2006, 5:53am pertaining to libido diminishing, i don't think it has got to do with delivering a child. Maybe it has got to do with the attitude between couple. They say, "same menu the whole year through could be so boring" and boredom leads to a decrease in libido. In case when couple both feel that their libido decreases already, perhaps it's high time to ponder whatever has gone wrong. I've heard from several husbands, their wives are boring and instead of working out their problems, husbands try to solve thier problems alone by resorting to flings. Oh dear...this is scarY...wives, we better ask our husband, am i boring you? That might lead to a fruitful discussions and hopefully increase libidos!!!! [smiley=thump.gif] |
Title: Re: Sex After Birth??? Post by RJ on Dec 1st, 2006, 10:03am |
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