Title: Rules and Regulations of Video Posting
Post by nOrKAy on Mar 23rd, 2006, 12:15pm
Please read before posting videos.
- Please note that this forum is not responsible for any personal information or video content that you voluntarily post, or disclose online.
- Copyrighted videos, images or links to them posted here should not be collected or used by others without the consent of both the forum and the owner(s) of the video or image.
- We care for one's privacy and we do not provide any consent for any video posted here to be accessed or to be collected by others. However, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any video you post here, and you do so at your own risk.
- Strictly no nude, porn, or racist videos or movies. If in case, you are going to post a video and it partly contains nudity or scenes that are not suitable for children, please always put a warning or note above the said video.
- Please be careful and think about what you are going to post. There may be some posted videos or images that are not suitable for viewing by children. Thus, adult guidance should and must be provided. Please be advised that you are responsible for what your children view.